Spot on. Community is optional and they only get sulky when nobody agrees with them (ok, there may be examples I haven’t seen). New people come all the time and are helped, listened to and welcomed.
Judge the product and the responses to complaints, that’s what should make up a review
It’s basically why TrustPilot reviews for Monzo are worth jack–all.
Monzo is a free bank with no cost jeopardy. It costs nothing whatsoever to try it out, and you’re guaranteed never to ‘lose’ your money. So what if you sign up and find the customer service is crap and you prefer Lloyds? You haven’t lost anything, so why bother with a review?
Can be, doesn’t have to be. Spending targets are part of the product but not something I use. I’m not going to write a review that they’re rubbish, they’re just not for me
I think that nowadays lots of companies have forums and if even a sniff of an employee frequents it it can be seen as an extension of the support that product provides. Which for some, becomes part of the product.
On the reviews I never review anything. I just vent at the Mrs
Don’t think it could harm Monzo any to keep half an eye on Trustpilot reviews and respond to ones where there’s an obvious straightforward reply.
For example, there’s one chap complain that Monzo support are rubbish because they don’t reply to his emails. A brief response clarifying that in-app chat is the first line of support should rebutt that (though I have to wonder what address he was emailing if he got no reply at all).
I do find it hysterical that the chap @Anarchist mentions filed a review with the line “How can a bank not employ people over a bank holiday?” Spectacular example of point-missing there.
If this thread illustrates one thing it is that Monzo shouldn’t be using Trustpilot scores as a key indicator of reliability in its Marketplace.
Trustpilot allow false and misleading reviews and the overall score for a company can be decided by the most politically motivated fake reviewers.
There’s a bunch of recent ones suggesting to use a particular other challenger bank instead and even one from someone claiming to be Alex S who rates Monzo 1 star and says to use the other bank. We all know Alex S bleeds hot coral so that is just taking the mickey.
I don’t know if it is the same “pranksters” who registered as an unhilarious joke, but I’m pretty sure almost all of those 1-star reviews are from competitors who have way too much time on their hands.
How will monitoring the trustpilot page help to solve the problem of competitors with “pranksters” who have too much time on their hands?
I’ve started to report some of the Trustpilot reviews when they are clearly fake. The one which states they don’t trust Monzo because Monzo have never been mentioned on Money Saving Expert… I just used the Way Back Machine to link to when Monzo was top of the travel card section of Money Saving Expert.
We’ll be keeping an eye on new reviews and dealing with anything that requires our immediate attention, or we don’t feel is fair/accurate. We do a similar thing for app store reviews already.
(🏳️🌈 Producer of "low value commentary")
Can you make sure you update your category to “Bank” so folks can find it when searching by category, please? Ta.