I’ve got it
Me too!
Finally , me too
Oh. So I’ve just noticed that the ‘Transfers’ category is still showing up in my spending in summary.
I appreciate that they are diff products and summary will one day go away, but assuming that’s a long way away, could this be fixed please?
Either I want to properly categorise this spend (paying off my credit cards) from my Monzo account and see it there in summary… or it’s going to be categorised on my connected accounts and therefore not show up again as spending in summary.
Edit: starting to feel like I don’t want to have trends until it’s actually built if using it is going to break summary further or vice versa.
And given that trends already overwrote all my nicely categorised personal account spending, the ‘breaking summary further’ doesn’t really seem to be a choice.
Got it, but it keeps saying something has gone wrong and to try again in a few min, that was a few hours ago. I’ve killed the app multiple times as well.
Not sure if it has something to do with my Amex which has become disconnected, and doesn’t seem to be connecting when I try.
@Grantus what platform / app version are you on? Feel free to dm me your email and I can take a look
iOS version 3.94
Just to add that it is still missing for me. Whenever I toggle it on in labs, I get the banner in my personal account feed. If I tap the banner though, it does nothing.
It’s good to see those additional categories on account
Same time it’s causing troubles for me as I already had some categories in same name for a few months
To keep my figures accurate, I need to delete 3 of my custom categories and manually change it to newly added by
It will take a while
Echo above, a bulk change of categories is needed
Potential bug
I’m abroad and on arrival I selected the option to autocategorise my transactions as holiday:
Every transaction in my feed, and in summary is categorising correctly as holiday, however these transactions fall under different categories in Trends (as if the autocategorisation had not taken place).
Example below as viewed in trends:
If clicked into, it appears as holiday:
But if I click deeper into category selection it shows Shopping selected before I make the change:
Not a biggie - but seems to be unexpected behaviour.
In my feed they correctly categorise as holiday, but even in summary they are incorrectly (or inconsistently) categorised as Shopping
Trends is really bringing out all the bugs in categories, isn’t it
Thanks for reporting: will take a look
So my personal setup is configured so that money comes in to our joint account on the last day of the month, so that it will be there ready for standing orders / direct debits that leave on the first of the next month (i.e. a day later). This avoids any timing issues around when various payment types arrive and leave. However, with the current Trends it doesn’t see my payments on the last day, and setting a specific date wouldn’t work - as the last day of the month obviously changes month to month.
So what would personally work well for me is to be able to say that “the Trends month starts on the last day of the proceeding month, whatever specific date that happens to be”. Note that kind of last-day-of-the-month logic it is currently perfectly possible with scheduled payments in Monzo (you just set it to the 31st and it understands that you mean the last day of the month on months with fewer days), so it shouldn’t be a problem to have that same logic in Trends.
Hi Tim
Not sure if it is a bug or a feature, but another to take a quick look at please
I see that all my round ups to a coin jar are getting marked as “Savings”, but all my - many fewer - withdrawals from those same coin jars are getting marked as “Transfers”
I have corrected the latter manually to “Savings” as it makes each month’s Trends more accurate
Is there anything that can be done to distinguish between them at a later date? Ta
(That is not occurring where I used my Cash ISA with Oak North as the destination (and source) of coin jar round ups for my personal account)
Being able to select a receipt of funds from a specific payee each month (employment/transfer/benefit/other income), which would start the next Trends cycle from that date, would work best.
Yes, that would be ideal and also prevent representing the same information twice.
While multiple incomes (at different times) during a reporting cycle skews the accuracy of a report, being able to choose one which works best - usually the largest income - as the trigger point would be ideal, and the report becomes more accurate as time goes on in the reporting cycle.
You mean, you want all your deposits & withdrawals to your round-up pot to be Savings — not just the automatic round-ups?
This is something we’re aware of: I think Peter mentioned something similar above. We have some thoughts about how we might make this nicer
Would it start from that date, or from that exact time?
I’d personally just love the same options in summary at a minimum! My payday is always the 25th or working day prior and summary works perfectly with that.
And I think surely date over exact time? It doesn’t matter if I get paid at 9am or 11am, that’s still the day when I suddenly have money again.