Tomorrow vs N26

Tomorrow mobile banking with debit card looks like an interesting alternative to n26 since they are both German banks. Tomorrow free account gives 3 free ATM withdrawals per month in euros and 1.5% FTF for all other ATM withdrawals. Worldwide payments are free of charge. Your money goes to fund sustainable projects. Anybody try them out? Or Bitwala debit card?

Well, seeing as you can no longer open a N26 account in the UK, your choice according to the criteria in your post can only be Tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Neither is Tomorrow! Some of us have dual citizenship though, or may be planning to move to an EU country.

To answer OP, I had never heard of tomorrow until now. Both banks have reall clean interfaces, which is nice! (Why do UK counterparts have to over-engineer and over-design everything!). Tomorrow has a superior looking product with more features, but in Europe, N26 nails the basics of being a bank better than any other account I’ve had, it’s a wonderful experience. N26 has a banking license too, whereas Tomorrow does not, and operates like an e-money institution. For that reason alone, and on the basis I’ve never used Tomorrow, I can only personally recommend N26. If it were me though, I would get accounts with both to try. Tomorrow’s offering looks really good.

They also have their own community.

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Tomorrow Zero is an interesting proposition too, given that it’s a premium account with the primary selling point being carbon offsetting.

I’m curious how people would feel if Monzo added something like that into their premium offering. I think it’s a nice thing to have, and something I would prefer paying a higher cost for than insurance products.


Nothing can beat Monzo community :grinning:

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