This is whats wrong with my bank...(my wishlist)

Replication lag could be a problem though. A lot of older software doesn’t handle multiple-master databases well.

365 / 24 / 7 online banking implemented in the mid 1990s, it’s not difficult or new. The so called bank holidays are not fixed, weekends and bank holidays vary by country. It’s just convenient for the established banks to have holidays so they don’t have customers bothering them :slight_smile:

There’s a bit more to it than that. But I’m not going there. :sunglasses:

That’s not quite how it works. Might be how the top executives work, but not us on the ground


Things don’t exactly happen fast at the tens of petabyte scale!

More like 100 Terabytes per year! :wink:

Last time I was in the 24/7 ops center at work we were processing over 25,000 transactions every seconds. That’s a huge amount.

100% agree. I work in finance and these pending transactions drive me crazy

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Me too, Monzo doesn’t yet have a way for users to log / manage offline transactions yet either so please do :heart: / share your suggested solution for this scenario here too -