The Great Permacrises

Can I try for the third time to suggest a general election thread? :stuck_out_tongue:


Just create one. Build and they will come.


Go post your best General Election banter in there.


If anything the lower energy price cap is following Agile/Tracker as it’s set according to the wholesale cost from previous months – which Agile/Tracker are based on too.

Tracker for one has been slowly inching closer to the price cap and I wouldn’t be surprised if it exceeded it in the second half of the year

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There’s a dedicated Octopus Energy thread if you search…


I just watched ten minutes of ‘debate’ about the National Service policy on GB News and threw up a bit in my mouth.

From the debate, or from watching GB News?


From the level of debate on GB News :face_vomiting:

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Then tie fishing line to those trees ( Below Knee height ) and then play a game of hide and seek in the woods when it’s dark. People losing shoes and faceplanting. God I wish it was those days again. :smiley: Always had those certain streets that had much better kerbs for curby, Extra points if you throw over a car too. :smiley:

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The amount of times I’d get stuck in trees :joy:

Phones were also expensive, so I had a pager and when it was time to come home, mum would buzz me to get my :peach: back in or I’m grounded (never was) :joy:

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My mum used to just yell my name when it was time to come in, luckily we lived near a park so the yell was usually loud enough for me to hear. If I got unlucky I was also threatened with a grounding but I think my parents would rather I was out of the house than grounded so never happened. :laughing:


well ain’t you two lucky, my parents wouldn’t even notice if I disappeared for a few days lol.


We were generally always nearby, no less than a mile.

We were naughty though, up on the school roof, messing around in the farmers yards on the hay bales (not sure they ever cared), then stealing the corn from the fields for tea :joy:

Kids of today - I played Fortnite.

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Just wondering, do you guys think it’s better to leave them to get over it or try to manage it?

I have two younger related family members, one was playing it a hell of a lot when he was around 12/13 but now has given it up completely almost, seemingly of his own accord, prefers to head up to Scotland actually on his weekends, the other’s parents were always trying to manage it and he’s moved out on his own and constantly plays it, on his own - like only hobby seems to be Fortnite

Not sure if theres an correlation there or what, but I think theres a balance to be stuck

Thanks for making me feel young! :hugs:

-fellow kid of today

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I say let em enjoy whatever brings them joy whilst it still brings them joy, so long as it’s not an unhealthy addiction. Just stay on top of their friends list and make sure you know who they are.

Diminishing the hobby to just being Fortnite, is just a misunderstanding of what Fortnite actually is for kids, especially in a post-pandemic world. It’s less a video game these days, and more a social sandbox for them and their friends.

But please for the love of my own sanity, teach them good comms etiquette! Most of the lobbies these days, when I solo or duo queue squads, sound like 10 year olds and they have a horrible tendency to spend the whole game squealing, eating, screaming, or shouting at me to the point I’m constantly having to mute everyone.

When they’re old enough for things like WhatsApp and social media, they’ll probably move on. Because for kids, that is their social media, and probably why #noskin has become such a common playground insult.


Just brave the replies on X to celebrities like Nikki Minaj and you’ll see the level of communication and language used today… I couldn’t understand half of it.

