The Great Permacrises


The way kids speak nowadays makes me cringe but I realise how cringe I probably sounded in the 90s and 2000s.


I just checked it and the first 4 comments I saw were p*rn with an onlyfans advert

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Was just pointing out the comparison between the two.

I know not all kids are indoors types but from a big family, plenty of young folk around, they’re only outside when on days out with parents etc not on their own accord.

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I, for one, am totally shocked that the Tory supporters’ attack on a Labour MP came to absolutely nothing, yet again.


Legally speaking, that’s true.

Practically speaking, there is likely to now be a non zero set out there who, when they hear the name “Angela Rayner”, will think “she was the MP up to dodgy stuff” and absolutely say so to everyone they can.

That was the game there; throwing mud, making some of it stick. And it absolutely sucks.

I’ve already seen people bring up the “Kier was drinking beer!” nonsense again in this election cycle. It’s so disappointing how polarised and uncritical the environment has become for many :cry:


It’s the whole frustrating guilty until proven innocent thing. Dropping an investigation doesn’t exonerate you. It leaves you in Limbo. So to those folks, still guilty. Job done.

Same sort of attitude folks had with the SNP and certain members of that party, even before any charges were ever filed.

Are we just going to have two threads about politics now?


I would say they have different focuses, hence why I posted that article here as it isn’t strictly about the election. If it was, it would go into the election thread.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Removed Posts - May 2024


Maybe @AlanDoe can do some shifting about.

And possibly also close this topic, which is now perhaps an overlong monster that has outlived it’s usefulness.

I would personally disagree. The general election thread will be pointless in a few weeks. The politics/other stuff in the world will have somewhere to go, and that has always been here.

Unless we just do a “Permacrisis Part 2”, I don’t see why this would need to close.

A rule of zero politics.

That’s something I can be onboard with.


I think it’s more that this thread is no longer serving the purpose it was created for, then evolved into. It’s evolved again to become more a general politics thread half the time too, and politics aren’t really a crisis. And the state of permacrises this thread was here for has largely come to an end.

It probably just needs pivoting with a rename to better represent what we discuss here nowadays. It’s not always a political discussion though (as much as some folks will try to make every issue a political one), and so I do agree with the need for a split at the very least.

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I can understand a split actually. A politics one, and then a general everything else thread.


This. Across the whole community :pray:


From the Community guidelines

A note on politics: Political discussions are not banned, but we don’t tolerate using our forum as a personal soapbox to air political opinions. As always, our moderators have the final say on this.


Looks like we now have a ghost shortage crisis on our hands.


TIL ghosts die.


I saw a documentary about this, apparently they can get sucked off.