This aspect of Monzo and the Perks or Max tiers are what are calling to me. Over the last year I’ve let things get on top of me (emotionally) and blackslid with my finances…
A true visionary. Also a very nice person (having met her a couple of times).
A minimalist Monzo app might bring me back. It’s too cluttered these days.
This is something I keep reading on here from various people, almost word for word.
This is something Monzo needs to look at in my opinion. They could well become a victim of their own success otherwise. If people are using Monzo to get a handle on their finances, and then moving on to a “proper bank”.
They need to be positioned as a bank for all stages in life. I thought the launch of investments, pensions and other products might achieve this but clearly it’s just not enough yet.
I guess for a lot of people they had already setup these things elsewhere by the time they were launched? I’m a bit of a late bloomer in terms of my financial maturity and these are things I’m really intrigued by and would be looking to take advantage of once I’ve got on the housing ladder… Chip is the other platform I’ve enjoyed toying with investments etc too.
No idea what the celebration plans are for it, but I can’t wait to find out!
Joined Monzo (as a customer) in May 2017 in advance of a weekend trip to Berlin. Thank god I did as it was the only card I could get to work when I got there so I wasn’t left stranded at the airport. I crowdfunded, but only 1 share, just to be part of it by that time I was already working at Monzo, and I celebrate my 6th anniversary the week after next!
Anniversary celebrations all round!
Does Monzo mark years of service at all? Other than the amazing paid career break perk!
10 year anniversary debit cards for the community?
Now this, this would be good. I nice matte black card
I’ll bet my banking apps, if Monzo ever brought this card out I’ll close them all and go #FullMonzo
1p for everyone
I think an alternative to Supercard is what got me in in the first place too. I’ve just dug out my welcome email, which is from June 2017 (and Monzo-branded but sent from ‘’).
I initially used it as a fee-free travel card, though there were so many nice user-friendly features in the app over and above my existing current account (BoS) that I moved my salary over at the end of 2018, and it’s stayed there since.
It feels a bit like Monzo has been an R&D deparment for every other bank, and pretty much every innovation has been nicked and is now everywhere - though others’ implementation hasn’t necessarily been quite so slick. And I get what people say about having outgrown the app, but I don’t feel like I’ve reached that stage yet - happy to keep it as my daily driver.
Now that, that is what I’m talking about!! Come on Monzo, please make a 10year limited edition card for all of us
Ten years. Wow.
a) when I was researching travel prepaid cards in 2016.
b) the postie.
c) yes and very glad I did. The excitement at the time was fun.
d) get that coral bus from marketing campaign and tour the UK, dishing out plushies.
I would do the same
Think it was 2016-2017 when I heard about Monzo. I do remember when people were going to the head office etc to pick up cards. Also can’t remember if there was like stalls to pick up cards?
Signed up round about then too when they were posting cards. I’ve had about 7 Monzo accounts since then. Keep leaving and end up returning.
Didn’t crowdfund
No idea will probably end up being London anyway.
Also been on this forums for years as a lurker, didn’t sign up till last year or something though
Signed up earlier this year to add to my card collection. Though I heard of monzo long long before.
I don’t remember what shipping company
Nope and even if I had the chance, I wouldn’t have.
Monzo HQ or somewhere in the North. No inbetween
Think it was early 2016 when I heard of Monzo. Didn’t join immediately though as it was iOS only at the time and I was using an Android phone. A few months later in July 2016 I signed up (from memory it might have been through downloading the app onto my iPad).
I was there for the prepaid card days. Back then (and to be honest forever since) it’s helped me to better budget and manage my money. Back then I was still paying off historical credit card and loan debts, now I have savings, investments and a mortgage but the money management principles are the same.
I was lucky to be able to get in on the 2nd crowdfunding round. I think a side benefit of that was that I was in the first 1000 or so to be able to get the bank account and debit card. I vaguely remember going up to the office at the time, grabbing a beer and watching a brief presentation on using the new card before going and activating it on the spot. I remember there were problems changing some of the direct debits at the time as not all companies recognised Monzo’s sort code. At the time I was with Metro Bank and Monzo seemed like a breath of fresh air.
I’ve joined the other main fintechs; Starling, Revolut and Chase but I just don’t find the user experience compares. The only areas where Monzo doesn’t really serve my needs are on investments (I want an S&S ISA where I can pick stocks or ETF’s) and potentially mortgage (although unlike other products my choice would be solely on lowest cost)
On here, probably.
a) can’t remember, but although very interested in jumping through the required hoops to get on Beta. Did follow it closely until they launched the general availability current account.
b) card arrived in the regular post a few days after signing up, pretty much as soon as the c/a was available I think.
c) No.
d) Greggs HQ or (preferably) somewhere in Nottingham.
Yup! We get a card each year and special sticker for whatever year anniversary it is
2016 - First heard of monzo when working for a finance company in London.
Being from Yorkshire, I was suspicious at first, and dropped £100 on it…
I was SOLD the first time I used my Monzo card, and received a notification on my phone before the till receipt had printed out.
I’d seen the future!