Hi -
- please consider tags and notes feature to all transactions - I want to # the reason for income from others or reason for BACS- only get receipts feature … good but not findable
- date range for search feature would be good- I want to compare my #spend between months - # personalise my spending so I can see what I spend on one person or group or drink in house and outside house - not worth bigger category want it to sit under umbrella
- ability to see spending in categories between months on same screen - i can see last months groceries in budgets but not where i am up to this month. Want to make comparisons month by month and trends
Am new to monzo- love it - am recently retired (56) - there is sig demographic avail to you - have always been too busy to track money and never worried - Monzo is a game changer … am telling everyone about it (inc friends of adult children)
Great job!