Show True Balance

But either way, you are unable to use the money while it’s tied up in a pending transaction. Why do you want to see money in your balance that you can’t do anything with? With the balance updating instantly in Monzo when that pending transaction is reversed why do you need it hanging around in your balance, unusable, potentially all month?

Because it is my balance? I want a wholistic view of my net-worth.

The other side is if Monzo implement everything they do in UK chances are pending balances will be few and far between in USA

Just a thought here but how about:

  1. keep the main parts of the app as is given the importance of available balance (true balance only being relevant for most people as the way interest is calculated).
  2. when you pull down on the main screen to get a list of your account and pots then at the top we add two lines under the available balance - pending transactions and real balance thus satisfying those who want more detail.

I like that!

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I like the way this is it helps with buggating and show a true amount of x amount I have left so I can not spend more then I have and nit ave to worry about a misses DD or standing order.

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I thought there had been a conscious decision to not display multiple balances (account balance & available balance for example) since a lot of people found that confusing :thinking:

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Only just started using monzo and it did this for me but some people are saying this stoped not sure

It’s a no from me.

And I’ll avoid ‘terminology’ and say that I like the Monzo shows me exactly how much money I can spend whenever I look at the app.

It doesn’t include money in Pots because I’ve set that aside (I’m aware it’s there but I don’t want to see it).
It does include pending transactions because I need to know they are coming out.

It’s much more ‘real world’ than other banks (and all this talk about ‘balance’ is just an old fashioned mechanism banks use to make what they do seem more complex than it is, invented terminology and all that).



Once Monzo offers interest on savings, wont you want to know what the actual balance is so you can calculate earnings?

No. As I said, I want to open the app and see how much money I have available to spend right now.

If I want to calculate earnings based on interest I would rather do that somewhere else (or in my head).

Monzo is making money better for most people and I think that means ‘show me what money I have available right now’ not ‘show me a potential number based on a number of factors that I need to remember every time I look’. Less is more for the home page, but sure add more details to a secondary page somewhere.


I never look at my account to find out how much I can spend. I spend what I need and leave it at that.

If it is a want, then I just avoid it.

Most of my transactions are groceries.

And, from the comments here, your view/approach is not the way the majority of people use their bank accounts.

I check my account a couple of times a day, I know roughly how much but with other transactions coming out it’s good to be able to see immediately how much.


Whoah why??

Because I can.

Whoah wait, you DON’T?


Me too


No, Maybe once a month if that?

OK. That’s great. My account is frequently close to zero so I have to manage that, perhaps that’s the difference here?


I have thought of doing that to earn more interest, but Id worry about not being able to cover an emergency expense without a UK credit card.

More interest? Ohh you mean keeping more money in a Savings Pot?

Different uses of a bank account then, I don’t have tens/hundreds of pounds in Monzo at any one time.