Search in linked (non-Monzo) accounts?

It seems odd to me that I can link another bank account or credit card into Monzo, can scroll through the transactions to my hearts content, but cannot search in them. Seems like a bit of a hole in the benefits of linking accounts into Monzo.

Can we have this capability added please?

I wonder is this is due to restrictions on what data they get?

For example my other bank, the transaction detail is minimal, sometimes less than what I get in its own app.

I would like this too

This was an entry in a ‘Plus/Premium’ Poll What-do-you-want-next? section back in Feb’2021.
I believe it has been mentioned/requested since then too.

It would be a nice feature to have. But I’d like to have other :monzo: features baked in first if I’m being selfishly honest.

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