Salary Sweep Up - community marketplace of scripts!

Definitely not intending to keep cards close or be secretive!

This thread started less about the salary sweep up but more the “app store” of user generated scripts (one of which was a salary sweep up) that I was prototyping. Technically the product worked, but from an implementation perspective is complicated due to limitations with the public API, being iOS only, and some other factors which is why it never really progressed.

The thread has since turned more to just salary sweep up as a standalone feature (which is something I really like - and Monzo has said they are looking to do something like it eventually).

Generally speaking the sweep up script waits for a transaction which has the metadata payday on it. It gets your balance, takes off your salary, and then moves that to a pot you have defined. If you have experience with Monzo’s API, it’s all easily achievable.

I’ve been pouring all my spare dev efforts into a transaction receipts service for Monzo so haven’t pushed this forward though who knows in the medium term!