To be fair all my cards originally showed as the beach hut but then when arrived it was the newer designs.
Will wait and see
My child and co in app image is shed.
Physical is Child & co.
My standard RBS card is a beach hut in app but new design physical, my CC is a random child but new design physical and my C&Co is actually correct both in app and physical.
Ah, I thought the physical card that arrived was a beach hut!
In that case I’m interested to see what does arrive – it might yet be the Child & Co card. Mine (Select) shows as C&Co in app too though.
Beach hut seems to show in the app but after a day or so it changes to the Child and Co or Drummonds image etc
you should go NatWest instead of RBS to have a more pretty designs //.//
Is there a reason why RBS hasn’t got the Travel Reward Credit Card? Almost all products launch at both NatWest and RBS at the same time, but this credit card is nowhere to be soon at RBS as far as I can tell.
They didn’t have BNPL for the time NatWest had it either. Maybe some products are trialled at NatWest before rolling out to RBS.
True, but I wouldn’t think a pretty standard reward
credit card would need trialling, especially considering the travel account was launched at both brands at the same time which is probably a bit more unique compared with their other products.
They only seem to have a Travel CC, not the reward one.
Also true, BNPL was a whole separate product compared to this. Don’t know really, maybe not as much demand for Scottish customers Will see if it appears over the next few weeks I guess.
Just noticed with my RBS Credit Card that when I look in the App at Offers & Experiences that they are nearly all London focused.
Could this be another effect of fancy sort codes on the main current account?
Would someone with a fancy sort code and that also has an RBS CC please be able to confirm if theirs is the same?
What are these offers and experiences? Aren’t they a Mastercard thing?
Edit: it’s going to be Mastercard and nothing to do with RBS – I don’t have any such thing on my Visa credit card.
In any case, CCs are separate to bank accounts, they don’t depend on sort codes or branches.
Maybe MasterCard led but they are mainly London based hence me wondering if the offers are linked in some way to your home sort code which for me is C&Co
Here’s a couple of examples and you are probably right but it just seems odd that a large % are just London based
I have the same on my premier black RBS current account, but I do reside in London.
I’m in the North East which is why I asked as there aren’t many specific to places outside of London
I think that’s almost always the case with MasterCard offers.
Generally the only non London ones are for UK wide places.
cries in wales
Howls in NI and I imagine in Scotland