
Photos are saved to your camera roll as a safety mechanism in case the photo upload fails. :floppy_disk:

This is something we could potentially look at in future. What’s your specific use case? Are you attaching a high number of receipts?

Email receipts capture so much useful information but they’re quite difficult to use in practice. :slight_frown:

@jelmer_snoeck and I did a hackathon project on this and we encountered several road blocks:

  • No common identifier we can use to link card transactions with email messages
  • Different email servers, protocols (not everyone uses Gmail!)
  • No standard structure for receipt data - line items, quantities, prices, pictures etc
  • PDFs, attached images, message open tracking links etc
  • Requires a user to grant full access to their inbox

Instead for now we’re focused on:

  • Specific integrations with a few key merchants e.g. TFL :bullettrain_side:
  • Encouraging other merchants (and third-party developers!) to use the Mondo API to enrich their customers transactions e.g. seeing your Nando’s Card balance after a purchase :chicken:

We’re hoping in future that merchants could even add actions to transactions. But that’s much further away :wink: