To protect people’s PIN numbers when entering at a cash point, I think Monzo should see if they can discuss with other banks the possibility of PIN number entry to the digital screens. This way the numbers could constantly change formation meaning prying eyes wouldn’t know the layout of the keypad, therefor creating a more secure pin entry at cash points.
What do you think??
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I quite like the idea.
It’s one for the future, though, as most ATMs don’t use touch screens for PIN entry (though they obviously could). Also, Monzo don’t have any ATMs, and so, I guess, wouldn’t have any input into their operation.
Interesting idea! Wonder if it’s ever been looked at before. It would likely need more than just banks or even uk banks though since you’re probably going to need ISO9564 (pin management standard) amended. As @Anarchist says monzo would probably not have a say since they have no ATMs
If you’re gonna get in touch with banks you might as well go big and get them to support your cards & mobile payment schemes for contactless withdrawals - that way there’s absolutely no risk of skimming or PIN compromise as there’s simply nothing to skim nor any PINs.
PIN compromise isn’t really a big deal with EMV cards to begin with (you’d still need the card as you can’t skim them), and when it does happen it’s usually through a small camera the fraudsters plant on the ATM somewhere looking down on the PIN pad. If on-screen PIN entry is implemented they’ll just slightly change the angle at which they stick the cameras and steal your PIN the same way.