Queries about description field on accounts endpoint

I am currently working on a project using the Monzo API. When looking at the response from the account endpoint each result contains a description field.

Looking at these fields they seem to contain text that identifies what it is for along with a random string such as:


It would appear that these are:

  • user_x = Standard current account
  • monzoflex_x = The pot for the Flex account
  • monzoflexbackingloan_x = An underlying loan backing the flex pot
  • loan_x = Monzo loan

The question is, are the above assumptions correct and predictable, also are there any others that exist? For example does a joint account or a business account have a different description prefix?

Laslty (and ties in with the predictability), is the description configurable? The API suggests it is human readable text as the example respons is:

    "accounts": [
            "id": "acc_00009237aqC8c5umZmrRdh",
            "description": "Peter Pan's Account",
            "created": "2015-11-13T12:17:42Z"

But I couldn’t any way in the app to modify these.

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