I would love to able to set aside a certain amount of money so that it fills up one Pot until it hits the target amount, then fills the next, and the next. Maybe through sub-Pots or something like that? Then if I use the money in the first Pot, it goes back to filling it again until it hits the limit.
Example: I schedule £50 a month into my Waterfall Pot. Within that I have 3 goals: new phone, birthday money, and bike repairs
New phone has a goal of £200, birthday money £250 and bike repairs £500. The monthly £50 fills up new phone, then birthday money, and half of bike repairs, but then I use the new phone money. Bike repairs is paused until new phone is full again.
Once all three goals are met, I’m prompted to pause the scheduled payment until they go below the goal level again.
You could take this further and have your £50 divided and put equally into each pot. Either divided by 3 or some magic formula that works out percentage differences for each of your “sub pot” goals. So the split would be something like £30 for bike repairs, £15 for Birthday and £5 for new phone.
I do like the idea of grouping pots with goals together. With features like the one you suggested as toggles. Would make saving up for things like holidays much more interesting. Pots for flights, hotel, spending money etc.
Possibly, although if you’re filling them simultaneously you might as well just use separate pots and smaller scheduled payments. I’m thinking more of sequential goals filled consecutively by the same scheduled payment.
Don’t get me wrong I understand your idea and I like it, just throwing another thought out there that popped into my head while reading yours
I guess what I was referring to was more of a pyramid that allows you to put whatever amount of money into the “parent pot” (Birthday pot) and that is then split between the “children pots”. (wife and kids). This is either as a scheduled payment or just random deposits as and when you feel like it.