POLL: Xbox Series X or Playstation 5? šŸŽ®


Game Pass Ultimate is proving good value for myself and my wife and there are some great games on there at the moment, plus I get access to some on PC too. Not sure when I last purchased a game on the Xbox due to the pass actually. I also prefer the controller far more.

Missing out on exclusives doesnā€™t bother me.

I wish cross-play was more of a thing though. A lot friends have migrated to PS4 resulting in less gaming in general. Probably also a factor as to why I buy far less games now, I used to buy games so I could play with friends.

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If playing with your PlayStation friends is sufficiently important and the game subscription service is key for you, itā€™s worth noting that PS Now has significantly improved these days and in some ways (but certainly not all) is now better than the Xbox Game Pass. Thereā€™s a good comparison between the two here: PlayStation Now vs. Xbox Game Pass: Which service is better? | Android Central

Thatā€™s not gonna magically change the PlayStation controller though tbf.

Itā€™s not sufficient enough to move over, unfortunately.

There are a myriad of reasons more than what I stated, but I just donā€™t see myself investing in more than one console in the next generation, when Iā€™m likely to have a dwindling amount of free time.

Iā€™m not even sure Iā€™ll be getting the new Xbox on release, Iā€™ll be getting CB2077 on PC, the new Ori game will be on Game Pass for the XB1 and aside from Halo Infinite which I doubt will be a launch title, I canā€™t think of any other games Iā€™m looking forward to.

I think there are a lot of people who will hang back from investing in this generation of console. Thereā€™s a growing school of thought that it will be the last generation to require you to buy hardware and some even think the Series X and PS5 wonā€™t even last out their normal life cycle before being replaced by hardware-less streaming services. I think Microsoft seem to be a bit ahead of Sony in pre-empting and preparing for that eventuality, partly by being more open about cross-platforming etc. Sony seem more keen to attempt to cling on to the existing model, which might prove to be dead in the water long-term.

Do either of these consoles have HDMI pass through, does anyone know?

Series X doesnā€™t, they stopped it after the Xbox One

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Can confirm what Addzy says, found this page detailing the removal of the feature:

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Sadness. There are really not enough devices with the feature.

We get HDMI CEC at long last finally though. Game changing for me, and much better than pass through.

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Clever things those HDMI cables :rofl:

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I want to play Journey on the playstation but for everything else Iā€™m on xbox.