Please Help me Understand Summary & Budgets Better

There’s a bit of a contradiction here, Monzo say the left to spend figure includes what’s left in your account excluding any committed spending and money in pots:

Yet on my account I still see a lot more than I expect in left to spend and it’s obvious I don’t have that money in my main account. This is quite confusing for me.

I don’t want money in pots to still appear in the account summary, I want to only see how much I have left in my main account to spend, against my commited spending, anything in Pots I want to consider not available for spending.

Can someone help explain this please?

What is your budget set as? The top figure is what you have in your account, the bottom is what you’ve set as your budget this month

If you’ve moved it to pots you need to deduct it from your budget

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If you have an overall budget set, the figure is vs your budget whilst if you dont set a budget at all thats when you see the ‘left to spend’ figure it sounds like you’re looking for.


I agree the terminology is confusing. You have [top figure] available in your account and a excess or short fall of [lower figure] between that and your predicted expenditure. Would help I guess a little more if the lower amount was green in positive and red if negative. But that’s just my dinasour thought process. R-

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Right, I think i was missing this small detail here, silly me!

Thanks, I think that explains it.

This is why I’m anxiously waiting for the full web version of Monzo, I hate doing budgeting on the phone!

Thanks for the tip!

Yes it would make more sense to be red and green to what is a able like what you have and what over all have. I can be very confusing more so if you have more the 1 pay day as well and if you move or save mine to a pot then you ave to reflect that.

It would be nice to see a full monzo in the web or on iPad but I nit think they make a full web monzo as thye would have to hire more people and right now the have said they not looking to do this monzo is meant to be mobile live in your phone.

I don’t use Summary/Budget but hoping to start soon, but… I have to deduct money moved to Pots from my budget myself? Not something the app does for me?


It’s basically a summary of what has left Monzo.

If I had regular contributions to pots I wouldn’t include them in the budget.

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Yeah this is what I’m not understanding, it seems like I need to do all the work to set my budget and know all the ins/out of my pots (some of which aren’t regular/automated) and that seems to defeat the purpose of having an app monitor it? Perhaps I think Monzo is more advanced than it really is!


I just use it as a low level budget. Stick some money in each section for groceries, bills, entertainment, eating out, transport and shopping (with an extra over float in general). Then allocate against and check before purchasing to see if I have anything left in that sector.