Paying & getting paid on Monzo - tell us all!

When I tap the payments tab, it’s clear at the top that I’m using my joint account. Although if you have a coral personal account, this isn’t great.

Then the best indicator of which account I’m using goes. Balance is still there, but at times my joint/personal can be similar. And let’s be honest, if we always knew our exact balances, we wouldn’t be checking the app as often!

And then I get the confirmation screen. I purposely haven’t turned FaceID on as I want to be able to give this screen a final once over without it skipping ahead

I would like a screen after this, maybe some wouldn’t want another click, I guess no FaceID means I can sort of do it already and pause but a final glance, because at this point I always triple check the deets before I type my pin.

Next page is categories and usually when I go “Oh shit, wrong account” when my custom categories aren’t there.