Ordered Monzo Plus. Will Card number change?


I have just enrolled in Monzo Plus and I am awaiting my new card. Will the card number change or will it be the same as my Coral coloured card?


It’s different

Ordering a new card is not mandatory when you upgrade (I have Plus but I kept my coral card), but if you do opt for a new card, it’s a brand new number, CVV and expiry.

Yes, brand new everything.

If you’re thinking about how much of a pain it will be to update all your saved card details online… be sure to utilise virtual cards now you’ve upgraded and save those on your accounts instead :sunglasses:

Then you won’t need to do all this again when you replace your card next time. Be this lost or expired.

Virtual Cards have a 5-year validity. So one created now will expire 9/26

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5 years if I remember correctly. So you’ll go through a couple “normal” cards in that time, possibly more if they get lost or break.

Edit: Beaten to it!

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