Open Banking - Proprietary Bank Transaction Code list

Hi there :wave:

I’m working on a product using the Open Banking APIs with different providers, and I’m trying to map the possible values returned as BankTransactionCode and ProprietaryBankTransactionCode on the list of transactions.

Is there any way I can get the full list of possible values used by Monzo in the UK?


Hi @AndreaG :wave:

I’ll DM you.


Hi @danbeddows,

Apologies to just piggyback on someone else’s request but I was looking to see if this question had been answered anywhere already and came across this question. I work for a TPP using the Open Banking APIs and am looking for all the possible values for the ProprietaryBankTransactionCode that Monzo currently utilise if possible?


Hi @dinsdally - no problem!

I’ll DM you too :smiley:

Same here, would it be possible to get view of the full list of the ProprietaryBankTransactionCodes please?

Thank you :slight_smile:

1 Like

:eyes: I’ll DM you :soon:


Same than Sharkbait and the other members, would it be possible to get view of the full list of the ProprietaryBankTransactionCodes please?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @danbeddows
I have the same question as the other members above, would it be possible to get view of the full list of the ProprietaryBankTransactionCodes please?

Thank you!

Hi @Camlamb - apologies I missed your message. I’ll DM you in the event you still need a hand. Hopefully you’ve gotten help since, though!

@MikaJaloba I’ll DM you now :eyes: .

Hey :wave: just for others who stumble across this thread, a list of our proprietary bank transaction codes can be found in our docs. Hope this helps :+1:


Dear @danbeddows,

Could you please share the following with me as well?


Thank you!


Hi @verifany have you checked the docs linked in the post above?

If you can’t find what you need, I’d check out the “additional help section” for a dedicated email address Monzo API Reference