It would be nice to be able to nudge a friend who owes you some money, monzo could send them a notification with the amount owed and an option to pay back instantly.
Great idea! I know I’d find this useful .
We’ve been told Monzo will be working on features that make Monzo even better the more friends that have an account soon. Maybe something like this will be included. Who knows ?
There’s a lot of work they can do here to make it a really slick experience
Yeah, they’ve confirmed in Sneak Peaks that there will be a way of setting how much a person owes you for some transaction on your account and it’ll keep track of how much they’ve paid back. I assume there’ll be a way of politely reminding them
I like this idea a lot. My gf always forgets
I think this is a fantastic idea. It would be great to have both nudge functionality but also for Monzo to remind recipients (let’s say 5 working days after the fact).
Agreed, it should be an automated thing from Monzo to nudge the person I feel.
That way it doesnt come off as passive agressive when we go to request money again we can pass it off as monzo doing it