Now in Labs: See your spending by merchant

Hi again! :wave: Today we’re dropping a new toggle into Monzo Labs which lets you see your spending by merchant!

When this is turned on, you’ll see a new option under the “Spending” tab in Trends, which will show your spending broken down by merchant. Tap “Show categories” to go back to the old view.

This new feature is free for everyone :tada: And like the rest of Trends, it’s even better if you’re a Plus or Premium subscriber.

Here are some facts about the new feature:

↔️ Works across every account you have connected

We’ve done a lot of work to match each of your transactions to a merchant, even on connected accounts. So if you’re a Plus or Premium subscriber, you can see how much you’ve spent at each merchant across all your accounts and credit cards.

This builds on the work we did earlier this year to add names & logos to your connected accounts. (Thanks again to everyone who helped us test that change!)

:bar_chart: See a monthly or yearly graph for every merchant

Merchants and graphs work great together. Ever wondered what your average monthly Amazon spend is or how much you spent on Deliveroo across 2020? Tap on the merchant to find out!

Reminder: both connected accounts and monthly/yearly graphs are exclusive to Monzo Plus and Monzo Premium :sparkles:

:speaking_head: Let us know if you spot anything that doesn’t look right

We know there are still some bugs in our merchant data. So as before, if you spot something that doesn’t look right, tap on the transaction to send us feedback about it. For connected account transactions, tap “Suggest merchant details”; for Monzo transactions, use “Improve name, location or logo”.

:department_store: We’ve been hard at work on merchants

Did I mention we’ve been doing a lot of work on this feature?

Adding names & logos to connected accounts isn’t all we’ve done this year: behind the scenes we’ve also been improving the names & logos we show on Monzo account transactions. This week we quietly shipped a big change that should both make our merchant data more accurate as well as easier for us to improve.

We’re hoping to improve how we collect and process feedback, too. We know a lot of you have given us (ahem) feedback about this, and we’re working on it!

Please do try it out, and let us know what you discover about your spending :eyes:

Monzo Plus is £5 per month • 3 month minimum • Must be aged 18+ • T&Cs apply
Monzo Premium is £15 per month • 6 month minimum • Must be aged 18-69 • Ts&Cs apply


Firstly: amazing
Secondly: regretting spending on Chase for the 1pc back.


The cashback wasn’t worth it, then? :joy:

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If Chase’s analytics were as good as this then I’d let you know :joy:

(I sent the exact values over and everything, and categorised them so Category Trends works well)

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Non Plus/Premium user here. Looks good, and provides some genuinely useful information.

I gave up submitting merchant data quite some time ago. Should I start again?


Very nice!


Try us!


I’ve done just that for the second time this month for the same two merchants I suggest for almost every time the bill/subscription comes out.

Let’s see if it works this time. :slight_smile:

Update: a third one I did a few minutes later was just updated (the name isn’t quite right though, you’re using the older brand name, not the new one which I submitted). That was fast. No logos for the other two, which I submitted first though.

Update 2: one of the others was just updated!

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Great work!

Comparing what you think you spent with a particular merchant on a yearly basis with what Monzo can now show you what you actually spent is a jaw-dropping experience.

Still, the extended visualisation and drill-down analysis available with this is top-notch. Bye Bye YNAB!


Looks super nice. Just one thing…

If like me your spending is super fragmented you have to scroll right back up the list to then toggle at the top.

On others it’s a horizontal toggle meaning it’s a lot easier to switch between the two.

Still, it’s a nice addition

Wen clicking the feed item that appears when enabling this in labs does nothing besides make the feed weirdly flicker, on Android 13 latest beta.

Edit; this flicker happens also when clicking on any transaction and then going back to the feed.

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Love this!

I would suggest that Flex purchases show as their original merchant though? Otherwise it just sits there as “Borrowing” when really I’m paying, say, £100 a month towards British Airways.


Is there a specific place to report duplication like this for example?


Report the top one to be “corrected”


I must say I submitted two merchant changes this morning and already they’ve been changed. Super fast.


Holy crap, I’ve had a merchant correction applied, for once.


This is amazing. Great work @tjvr and team. I’m rather :nerd_face: and tag my merchant correction submissions all the way back to when I opened my account. Is there a cut off point, where after it’s not worth it?

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There’s not a cutoff point as such, but we do find that the older the transaction, the harder it gets to fix the names & logos. Merchants change over time, and rename or rebrand themselves…and for more obscure merchants that can make it difficult or impossible to find the right details!


I’ve had this fixed already a few hours ago :heart_eyes:

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