New Years Resolutions

What are yours ?
Mine are

  • Go to the gym more
  • Start doing more voluntary work
  • Eat healthier

I’ve never really done them, I feel if there’s something you want to achieve you should start doing it straight away. Rather than wait for the significance of New Years resolutions.

One thing I’m working on currently is procrastinating less with uni work :see_no_evil:.


I mean I’m not going to keep to it. But mine can be to be more confident in myself.


Today’s resolution is to get out of bed before 12pm.

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How’s that going?


Trying to visualise breakfast as an incentive. Baby steps.


Might as well wait til lunch at this stage


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Rather than make one big resolution I won’t keep to, like becoming a gym regular, I’m setting myself a bunch of small ‘improvement goals’ such as:

  • Learn to make a new dish every other month
  • Go for a run once a month (at least)
  • Read 10 pages a day (most days)

I’ve actually started putting this together recently, rather than wait til New Year’s, and am creating my first Bullet Journal. I’m hoping it will bring some well needed order to my life. For me, it’s about slowly getting myself into better routines and habits that will stick with me. Financial planning will form a part of my Bullet Journal, and Monzo will be a valuable tool in helping me achieve this, along with Emma.

Edit: typo

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Drink more beer


More money, in greater quantities, more of the time :joy:

Happy new year everyone :black_flag:󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

I feel like this should be bumped given the proximity to New Year!

I haven’t thought of any resolutions yet though :see_no_evil:


I made a resolution a few year back, never to make another one…

Still going strong :muscle:


I did that too, and have kept it ever since.

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Another one for no resolutions here! :raised_hands:

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The only resolution that actually worked for me was to make sure I wear matching socks… :rofl:
I think this year it’ll be to do some coding work and actually finish/publish the project

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Not a resolution, but I really need to make some healthier lifestyle changes this year. Including potentially a change of job. We’ll see!


Should have made a resolution to have a bad hangover at least once this year coz i’ve absolutely nailed that already :nauseated_face:


For 2025, I need to invest in, or bribe an employee of, TransUnion:

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