New year new......?

Hey everyone! Happy new year :tada: :confetti_ball:

I’m interested to hear how Monzo and our new current account will tie in nicely to any new years resolutions you all have! Maybe you’re saving for a special day, starting early for xmas 2018, or want to start something new?

Here’s mine!

  • I’ve never flown :airplane:️ and intend on fixing that this year and have set up a Pot for travel :honey_pot:

  • I want to focus more on my ambition of being published and am going to set up a direct debit for a writing magazine subscription :memo:

  • I intend to be more sociable :tropical_drink: (possibly :see_no_evil:) and will mark all transactions as entertainment in my spending targets that I have made when being out and about with friends so I can look to see if I am achieving what I wish to. Almost like reverse target usage, as I want to see it go up :chart_with_upwards_trend:

These are just a few of my own personal ideas of how I intend to use the app, I’d love to hear all of yours! :rocket:


Pots are the feature that’s got me behaving differently so far this year too :slight_smile: I’ve never been much of a saver but having easy access to my new ‘savings’ pot makes the savings feel much more real - & more painful / rewarding to deduct from / add to. I’m looking forward to watching it’s balance increase! :crossed_fingers:


I’ve got one. It’s pretty huge and means a lot to me. :heart:

I have never been abroad :man_facepalming:

I want to go this year. I want to take my :mondo: card and experience my instant GBP notifications.

My first ever family holiday would have been in 2016. But the day we were due to go I was sitting out a two week term in hospital with pancreatitis. Absolutely gutting. I’m still alive though, it could definitely be worse :muscle:

Gives me something big to aim for this year. :tada:


Wedding Pot here :man_in_tuxedo::bride_with_veil::honey_pot:

I’m not getting married for another two years but having a Pot set up this early is nothing but a positive in my eyes :sunglasses:

Oh, and I’ve a pot set up for this years new iPhone X :iphone: , although with the cost of it I might as well be saving for a divorce once the fiancee finds out :joy:


I’ll be using Pots to control my historically terrible impulse spending and focus on saving :raising_hand_man:

4 days in - I’m doing well!


I’m the same @jd0n, never flown or gone abroad!

My Pot is getting some love for this!

Monzo don’t do holidays, but if they did… :joy:

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