I’m interested to hear how Monzo and our new current account will tie in nicely to any new years resolutions you all have! Maybe you’re saving for a special day, starting early for xmas 2018, or want to start something new?
Here’s mine!
I’ve never flown ️ and intend on fixing that this year and have set up a Pot for travel
I want to focus more on my ambition of being published and am going to set up a direct debit for a writing magazine subscription
I intend to be more sociable (possibly ) and will mark all transactions as entertainment in my spending targets that I have made when being out and about with friends so I can look to see if I am achieving what I wish to. Almost like reverse target usage, as I want to see it go up
These are just a few of my own personal ideas of how I intend to use the app, I’d love to hear all of yours!
Pots are the feature that’s got me behaving differently so far this year too I’ve never been much of a saver but having easy access to my new ‘savings’ pot makes the savings feel much more real - & more painful / rewarding to deduct from / add to. I’m looking forward to watching it’s balance increase!
I’ve got one. It’s pretty huge and means a lot to me.
I have never been abroad
I want to go this year. I want to take my :mondo: card and experience my instant GBP notifications.
My first ever family holiday would have been in 2016. But the day we were due to go I was sitting out a two week term in hospital with pancreatitis. Absolutely gutting. I’m still alive though, it could definitely be worse
I’m not getting married for another two years but having a Pot set up this early is nothing but a positive in my eyes
Oh, and I’ve a pot set up for this years new iPhone X , although with the cost of it I might as well be saving for a divorce once the fiancee finds out