Hi, just got the latest Android beta update and decided to check out the changes to the payment tab. To my horror, it was deadnaming a few of my friends.
It also converted nicknames to formal names (though it didn’t do this to everyone), which means one would presumably be able to use Monzo to get a full name by just knowing a Monzo customer’s phone number.
Well, yes, but this is one of those cases of ‘just because something is possible, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea’. Trans people still legally going by a deadname for whatever reason, journalists, abuse victims, etc may still want to use payments with friends.
At the very least, if this is mandatory for the new name check requirements from government (which are a bad idea…) then payments with friends needs a ‘mutuals only’ option.
No, it appears to give the legal name on account for some (but not all, for one friend it gives their nickname, so maybe it uses name on card?) people based on phone number.
iv said the same about the fact
(if i send you money - then you know my account number and sort code who ever i bank with)
no other bank do this
its my not be the end of the world, but i think its a security issue.
I was responding more to your suggestion that this was a privacy issue.
But, yes, I understand that if you go by a name different to your legal name, this could be distressing. Perhaps an option to have a display name might be helpful.
It’s still a privacy issue. You might want to give someone your phone number but not your name (think informants and whistleblowers) or you might not want someone to know your deadname.
I’d much prefer Monzo to use phone contact names throughout the app because it’s easier to figure out who’s who, especially if a person is commonly known as a different name to the name they used when signing up to their account.