Need verification quickly [Prepaid Beta]

I got my Monzo card just before the weekend in preparation for my trip to Cambodia and Vietnam next week. Casually poking through the FAQ I found out that I need to get verified before I can use my Monzo abroad (it would be great to make this point more prominent guys!!). The FAQ said I would get information on verification but nothing arrived. Could you please let me know how I can go about this quickly before I go away in 2 days? Thanks!!

speak to in app support and ask if you are verified - can be seen from your spending limits if you are or are not verified my ATM daily withdrawals are £400 if your not verified they are about £100 ??? or go through the ID process below ?

limits section 17


Good shout about speaking to in-app support, thanks for that! Got a quick answer and apparently I am already verified. So apart from a minor heart attack earlier, it’s all sorted :slight_smile:


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