My Surname in Online Ad

I always like confusing advertisers with adblocks on desktop and VPN’s on my phone.
Only thing I have bypass the VPN is spotify on desktop due to them not liking you logging in from outside the UK way too much.

All the adverts on my phone are normally in german or dutch lol.

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I suspect when you get a prompt for tracking cookies you’ve accepted a couple in the past. Facebook tracks you whether you use the site or not, Google, Amazon and other big-data players probably know more about you than you do, aggregated by your search and Youtube viewing history. It’s pretty alarming stuff when you stop to think about it.

Also, worth watching the Social Dilemma on Netflix if you haven’t already.


are you on iOS? YouTube have just pushed an update to the app store, meaning they now have their privacy “nutrition labels” as they’re being called on show. There’s a lot of information they’ve selected, no idea if it really is all collected but they’ve ticked the boxes at least.