Multi charge back

Hi there,

I want to do a charge back for multiple transactions over the past few years with the same merchant as they’ve folded and not fulfilling their promise and business road map, which everyone purchased their items based on.

I have quiet a lot of evidence to give over and its quiet a long process. Do i have to do a charge back on each transaction individually or can i send an email with all the info on to customer service to arrange? I wouldn’t mind if it was a few transactions but its a large number over a few years.

Any help appreciated.

Thank you.

Well, it depends really what is eligible for chargeback as you say multiple items?

You’ve received the products?

Is it just the recurring subscription attached to such that no longer works?

Not sure you’d be able to chargeback everything in that case.

Merchant name and products would be helpful here.

Also, sounds like a startup vibe so it’s probably covered in the terms of your purchases you may not be entitled to a refund/at risk of losing your services or money.

Crowdfunding? What do the terms say?

Why have you waited years to not get anything and kept paying?

It’s quiet complex but in short the company in question set up in 2022, they provided digital assets (Cards from a very big IP) that we purchased from them multiple times for different ‘sets’ each month. All of this was done on the promise, via their road-map, that they would print the digital cards for us for each set, so we had physical items. They haven’t done this now and have sent an email to say they’re ceasing trading, blocked our communication channel on discord, and essentially shutting up shop this month. So all of the purchases everyone made are not being fulfilled with our physical items.

This is it in a nutshull but it does go quiet a bit deeper to explain i.e. different rarity cards, marketplace sales, reward cards from spending a lot of money to finish high up on the leaderboard etc etc… some of the digital cards only had 50 / 100 copies ever made, so they are very very scarce, which is why people bought into the promise of having them all printed.

Everyone waited for them to delivery the digital to physical scheme, which took time to create from scratch. (they said).

We all thought it was happening as recent as September as they sent out a questionnaire to all members about it and how we wanted it to work. They then pulled the plug on the whole thing and are ceasing trading.

It wasn’t a case of paying more for no reason, we all were told it was coming.

Do you not need to do this through the crowdfunding platform?

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What was the company called?

Sounds to me like you need to speak with the liquidator. :man_shrugging:t3:

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DC by HRO but the company where payments went to is Kolex.

Sorry but is the crowdfunding platform?

Disputes only go back 120 days from the date the original order was supposed to be delivered. If that always is and was unknown, your options be very limited.

As others mentioned, if you invested in a product that didn’t exist you’d need to contact the platform involved. It’s not as linear as a chargeback for failure to provide goods (as they never existed in the first place).


I guess this is why i’m asking because we all puchased the digital cards so we could get the cards printed. There was no set time line for this function to release, just that it was going to release as it was part of the companies road-map.

So in theory they never delivered on their orders.

But were you ordering physical cards, or digital cards that in future could potentially, maybe, be printed?

Was it a subscription, or was it a one-off purchase?

You purchased digital cards - received digital cards.

The rest seems moot.


Just done a quick search, it seems they were meant to be physical cards that you could then scan them and have them recorded on the blockchain, so it would seem they havent actually fulfilled their obligation on the surface.

I feel like you’d need to contact whoever is looking after the dissolution of the company rather than Monzo first, also contact Cartamundi who seem to be the owners of HRO.

Just as a side note, something feels off, the DC deal was for 3 years, expires the end of this month - they created a new company to hold this license… seems like they knew it had the potential to tank and it would never get renewed so created a separate company to allow it collapse and take the money… don’t want to throw the word around but, scam?

Hope you get it sorted @DannyC85

sort of but not really. Difficult to explain but they basically had physical card sets and digital card sets, which we were going to have printed.

I just need to know if i need to create a charge back for each transaction on the app or if i can email monzo all the details, so they can do a large one for all.

If not, not to worry.

Was editing my above response as you replied, not sure if you’d get a notification so if not… here’s a bump

For me it sounds like you purchased a digital product and received a digital product, the physical element of hearsay may not apply.

You’d need to request for each itemised transaction, but you will need the terms and conditions of the sale of goods to hand for Mastercard to understand what it is you bought.

We bought digital cards but also bought into the company and their promised road-map, which stated we would have physical cards of the digital cards purchased. To my untrained brain in this area, it seems pretty straightforward.

It’s like saying ‘buy this Lamborghini and you’ll also get a million pound once you’ve bought it’. You would buy it to get the money? Granted the example i’m using is dramatic… lol

No you need to do a chargeback for each transaction.

Good luck.

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Are you entitled to a full refund?

You received digital versions, just not the printed ones. So you received part of what you ordered.

Using your Lamborghini analogy. Just because you didn’t get the million pounds, you can’t expect to get your money back and keep the Lamborghini.

The same with the digital assets. You technically can’t return these and who is to determine their value so you can get a partial refund?