MSE’s weekly poll this week is about people’s bank account’s service. You can vote and see the results immediately - How do you rate your bank account's service?
Interesting that they ask if you’re usually in credit or not to go with your opinion on the bank. I wonder if the answers are weighted in any way.
I can imagine those who go overdrawn regularly are mildly disgruntled customers because the bank has the audacity to charge them for it (39.9% should be revised) but overall it’s not the banks fault they’re overdrawn.
That’s what I mean.
“What happened?”
“They charged me interest for going overdrawn”
Stopped using my chase account, the 1% was nice for a time but cba managing too many accounts so I’m willing to forfeit.
Come to senses I’ve far too many accounts so closing them down and going to just run 2 side by side.
The minute Monzo gets additional accounts and a credit card I’d probably be rid of them all.
I’m surprised the four people who have voted for them so far have said they were great considering they have been missing some key features,
Probably moved from something like Pockit or some other prepaid card service
Or maybe the cashback. People like free money, even if its not that much.
It’s supposed to be a poll specifically on service, so good service still deserves a great rating even if the bank’s features are poor.
Features and service are two completely different points of comparison.