"Hi everyone
We’re planning on moving Developer chat away from this Slack channel to a more dedicated home on the forum. So this Slack workspace will close on Monday.
The Monzo Developers Slack was a great way for us to stay in touch with folks building great things on our platform, and chat to the Developer community between hackathons. We’ve since outgrown Slack as a way of maintaining this community, and we’ve hit the limits on what we can do here. It’s no longer a good way to get support and information about development as information isn’t preserved long enough to be useful.
Slack also isn’t a great platform for moderation… We have a responsibility to provide a safe, inclusive environment across our community platforms, and we can’t guarantee this across the countless private channels we have no visibility over.
The future:
We’ve created a new category on the forum for Developer Support: https://community.monzo.com/c/developers
And we’d also encourage you to come and join the Monzo Chat and General Chat areas, if you’re not already involved.
A few people have asked if they can set up an unofficial Slack channel. That’s fine, of course. We know some of you prefer Slack and have friendship groups here you’d like to carry on speaking with. Please just make sure it’s clear it’s not an official Monzo channel.
We’ve talked about this internally too and we want to make sure we’re still giving a great support experience for developers out there. We really appreciate the real-time feedback we get from our community, and hope to see that continue over on the forum too.
I know a lot of you will have feedback and questions, so please do feel free to ask."