Bit of a weird article, it’s like they had couple of questions answered and then tried to make a story and just trailed off into describing what Monzo is than about the guy behind it, rather than a proper interview.
Yeah, this caught my eye - “On the bank’s forum, users can vote for new features, which prompted the name change from the original Mondo to Monzo,”
Thought that was because someone else already had Mondo as a name?
Yeah it wasn’t because the users wanted it changed. It had to be changed and Monzo asked for suggestions.
The article feels like it could have been:
Tom, 33, enjoys playing Starcraft, cooking with his girlfriend and waking up after 8am.
Here’s the original post:
I’m more World of Warcraft
I wonder who the other company was who challenged Mondo?
Also love this quote
“It can be painful to change the name of a product, but – being the optimists we are – we think this is a great opportunity to come up with something even better…”
So true! I think Monzo is so much better than Mondo, whoever that other company was I believe they did us a huge service!
It was Monedo. Monzo finally revealed this in their most recent crowdfunding prospectus.
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