I understand why it looks like this but in fact, Tom’s said on several occasions that Monzo is for anyone who ‘lives their life’ on their smartphone.
Click the to view the full post.
The content that Monzo produces (i.e. their Instagram stories) is obviously influenced by the fact that it’s a relatively young team & Monzo seemingly doesn’t want to be perceived as a boring, distant bank.
But their tone is very similar to Innocent’s & Slack’s which, as a business productivity tool, obviously isn’t just aimed at millennials. It’s just more approachable.
It might be unconventional for a bank (& most companies) at the moment but considering how much more effective this tone is on social media, I can’t see why this won’t become the norm. So I expect people will get used to this. There’s no reason why a company’s employees shouldn’t be able to have fun while also doing serious work.