Monzo switching incentive

A lot of retail banks offer a switching incentive, would this make you more inclined to switch to monzo or would you switch purely based on technology and service?

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And then people switch straight away to another bank to get another incentive. Itā€™s a costly and pointless exercise


Monzo wonā€™t and donā€™t need to offer any incentive, they have over 600k users and climbing on word alone.

Incentive = Gimmick


This year alone I have made Ā£375 from switching accounts. I have no intention of keeping any of them. Monzoā€™s ā€˜incentiveā€™ is the whole package.


Incentive = Artificial growthā€¦ Take Ben (and myself included) just switching to banks to get free money without any real attachment to the bank. :smiley:

@anon72173902 pretty much nailed it here :ok_hand: :tada: An incentive is lovely, but itā€™s so short lived, customer should want to join Monzo for Monzo :hot_coral_heart: Not because of Ā£100 :wink:

I thought my post ended quite nicely thereā€¦ But in addition to that; the goal of Monzo is to help you manage & save money. So in the long run the theory is that youā€™ll save yourself more than the Ā£100 bonus at the start (in the long run).


As well as all of the above regarding the loyalty of ā€˜purchasedā€™ customers and the current rate of Monzo growth, knowing whatā€™s been publically shared about the profitability of Monzo Current Accounts at this point, Iā€™d be greatly concerned at the offer of a switching bonus since thereā€™s nowhere for the money to come from to pay for it. Even if they thought they needed to, paying for customers is not an affordable option.


Great idea.