Monzo swift code

Am I right that it is MONZGB21?



Thank you!

In the future it’s in the accounts tab. Just to make sure. The last digit/letter. Is that an L or 1 ?

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You can’t use it to make transfers in though so don’t try

It is MONZGB2L (not MONZGB21)

I’d recommend reading this blog post, however,


I’m confused - Monzo has a SWIFT code but it’s useless? How can anyone be a member of SWIFT in this context?

SWIFT is a messaging platform, essentially just providing a conduit for financial institutions to exchange signed messages with each other. Joining SWIFT just means you can start to communicate with other institutions, not that you have instant access to a global settlement platform for moving money.

When banks refer to a “SWIFT payment” they really mean a series of payments between banks with correspondent relationships. Bank A sends a particular message type to bank B that it has an existing relationship with, to instruct it to move money on its behalf, and so on.

We’re currently working on connecting to the SEPA Credit Transfer scheme (which we do via the SWIFT network), which is a common platform for sending and receiving Euro payments within SEPA. Once that is ready we’ll update the Monzo app to reveal your IBAN for receiving euro payments.


Great explanation. In summary; its complicated, for legacy reasons.

Monzo are awesome and trying to get this legacy stuff to work seamlessly for us :smiley:

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Want to report a successful deposit from hk using swift code MONZGB2L and iban generator , took only one day and 22pound intermediate fee


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