also on top of the fraud prevention point mentioned above… using monzo the other day to send money to a friend of a friend which was transferred to me as the person didn’t have a nationwide card reader on them (and they only had nationwide), and the payment of £75 was rejected by monzos fraud detection, which i have to say is excellent - i wasn’t at home, and i never usually transfer more than £30 to new payees.
Children have fallen for so much more quick money schemes due to social media. So I don’t think allowing them to do more transfers to even more places would be a good move
18+ is a Wise requirement (and by proxy Monzo) so given that Monzo have outsourced international transfers then it can’t (currently) come to the junior accounts.
Is it worth Monzo bringing it all in house so that some kids can pay internationally? Probably not.
Oh yeah, and that’s totally fine. I definitely can’t see Wise about to start doing Junior accounts as as people have said, young people are falling for scams and money laundering schemes, and multiple currencies makes this easier for the scammer people.
Yeah, I agree that it would be impractical for Monzo to make an entirely new feature when they’ve got a pre-existing one. However, they could have it so that the 16-17s user “makes” the payment, and then someone at Monzo manually sends the payment (kinda like CHAPS, but without having to contact CS). You’re right though, it’s definitely not going to happen. And that’s fine, as there are alternatives. (and when am I actually gonna send money internationally. Probs never realistically.)