Monzo’s 16-17 Current Account Chat


I wanted to start a thread for us 16-17 users.

Growing up with HSBC, I was in shock when I found out about Monzo and their features etc. Roundups… game changer.

I’m interested in how you all use your account, what pots you have etc.

I also hope this thread can be used for recommendations so that we can bank easier?

Carlo, I know it’s early in the morning, but even I can tell the difference between U16s and 16-17s.

Having said that, there is already a 16-17 thread somewhere…

You’re right; deleted. Was too early :joy:

Looks like there was one but somebody deleted it?

Or at least, doesn’t load for me.

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That was a duplicate topic about the u16 account that was merged into the main one.

You’ve done what I did, it’s 16-17 not under 16 :sweat_smile:

Same, it’s not loading for me either. So maybe this could be the new 16-17s thread??

Forgive me for ignorance but what’s the difference between a Monzo user that is 16 and one that is 18.

Isn’t it fundamentally the same account with some slight restrictions?

Anyway, be interesting to see what folk put here.

Ones managed by a parent, the 16-17 have their own account details.

The rest is all the same I believe.

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Sort of yes, I just mainly want to know how young adults are using monzo to financially sort themselves out lol. I’d be lost without it.

I get paid weekly, and so i schedule payments weekly to pots, which I then use to pay bills at the end of the month.

Again, I have to transfer the money from the pot to another account as we can’t get spending from pots.

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Young adults are 18-26 or there about. (Quick google)

16-17 is still a child.

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Why don’t you and Jo just DM each other?


Is it just him? That’s slightly depressing for me isn’t it lol.

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My mistake… “Financially independent children” would be a better use of words.

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I wouldn’t say “depressing”. He isn’t that bad. You get used to him after a while.


Sorry! That was pre morning coffee :see_no_evil:

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I think there’s value to the conversation. I only asked because most of the things here I’d imagine would get picked up in the relevant thread from an app perspective.

Also really curious to see how the “yoof” manage money in Monzo. When I was that age it was basically playing the magic game of will the ATM let me take money our or not :sweat_smile:

I did the exact same thing.


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What would you say :thinking:



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You’re welcome.
