Monzo Plus - what would you like to see?

This is fairly easy for me. I’ll probably end up just not using Monzo. I’m not getting anything from it.
FlexPlus gives me interest which brings the fee down to £7 for the insurances which I use every year. I keep seeing this age 46 in this thread. If that is for Monzo insurance then I’m not interested as I’m 50 this year.
Lloyd’s account gives me nice interest, the fee is waived for me and I get 6 free Cineworld tickets a year. So costs nothing.
Santander gives nice interest albeit halved a while ago. Interest more than covers the fee.
TSB give nice interest and no fees.
Monzo? No interest. No offers of anything. Want to charge £6 then ask what people want from it. A new colour card. Whoopee. Something about age 46 as a limit on whatever.
Monzo need to be beating the others for me to do anything other than stop using it.


Monzo only use Pluto for insurance, and their terms are that its only for people 18-46.

So not while walking down the street, holding a mug in a matching hoodie then? :wink:

Either way, I don’t flash my card but if people like doing so and that makes them happy then why not :man_shrugging:

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Thx for that info Eden. Then I’m out. I’m getting nothing from it, even if I paid. Swag means nothing to me. For me to pay any bank, the first and only draw for me is decent interest on my cash. Then I’ll look at other extras after that. Lloyd’s do that well. Great interest on a small amount and then chose a lifestyle benefit. For how expensive cinemas are, I chose 6 free tickets.
Monzo, I’m only seeing one benefit and you have to be under 46 for that. Well done for being ageist and discriminating against us. That shows what kind of company you are.
Swag? :joy::joy: that’s like Sky offering VIP tickets out. As long as you live next to the O2 Arena it’s great. Anyone else? They don’t care.

Monzo - how do I get my cash back out of Monzo?

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Doesn’t seem like you’re interested in Monzo Plus as it currently stands. It’s entirely optional. You could wait to see how it stands in a few months - where it might appeal a bit more, or you can choose to ignore it.

If, for whatever reason, you want to ‘get your cash back out of Monzo’ you can do a bank transfer to another account. Or if you have shares you can sell them to a third party.

Hope that helps!

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I want to confirm — if I sign up now, and choose the base plan, when Monzo launches new products, will I be able to add them to my membership retroactively?

Hey Eden, I’ve not been following this thread too closely, but has Monzo confirmed that there are the same terms for Monzo customers? I’m thinking of things like OakNorth where the underlying product was a little different.

(Not saying you’re wrong by the way, just that we should wait for confirmation - unless I’ve missed it somewhere).


That’s the intention but appears that the flow doesn’t currently work that way:

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These are the terms specifically for Monzos insurance from Pluto.

This was always clear, for Pluto it’s only for 18-46 year olds.

What wasn’t clear was if they offered insurance from Zurich. Someone from Monzo cleared that up yesterday, they do not offer insurance from Zurich, only insurance from Pluto.


There are certain cards that it does work with. Especially in London not in pubs and petrol stations but just shops or restaurants. Not sure monzo will be used for it though :rofl:.

It’s the age discrimination that’s wound me up more than the fee! That alone makes me want to leave.
Thanks for the info redshift.


I disagree with this

I think adding on extras is fine.

I think having almost different versions of the app if you pay or not is not.


I imagine it was not completely Monzos doing but hopefully as they expand they will have more leverage to get a better deal that includes all ages

Completely agree with this (and I don’t think it will happen), but it’s ironic that you say you don’t want “regular Monzo hobbled in any way” and then list features you’d like in Monzo Plus which I think would be considered regular Monzo features if they are built:


There will be more products offered in the future. This is just the first one. The others may suit your needs better

It depends what you think of as ‘regular Monzo’. To take the examples you quoted:

Curve like functionality (it’d also make sense of the name - Monzo + other cards)

This feels like a new product to me, not an existing one. If it needed a new card to work then they’d be cost to it, ergo a chargeable function?

Working with TfL to automagically combine Oyster and contactless - and use whichever one costs me less (it still bugs me that I can’t add a railcard to a contactless card, and can’t use an Oyster for weekly capping)*.

Did you notice the little asterisks? If you’d quoted that too, you’d have seen:

*I’d also like to see TfL travel details / insights in the app, but don’t think these should be Plus only - see what I don’t want, above!

So what I mean by this is TfL insights in the app for everyone. If there needs to be a special card built (which would cost money both in terms of research, development and production) to combine an Oyster and a contactless card - and for there to be logic to consider them as one account - then I’d say that would be reasonable to charge for.

Given the power of the technology already on a Monzo card, I would say this should he possible without replacement. Maybe the insights could come from Flux?

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I feel Curve type things shouldn’t be a Monzo plus feature.

If Monzo ever did it (though I guess it doesn’t make much sense for them) it should not be behind a pay wall

Can I ask why? I like the idea, but as we’ve seen with Curve it’s a difficult model to monetise. There would need to be some return on investment somewhere. Or do you think that it would attract enough additional revenue generating customers for it to be worth investing in?

I think Monzo should focus on building a marketplace/itself. Rather than trying to integrate lots of accounts with itself under a single card.
Obviously, Monzo needs to focus on monetising approaches.
I just think something like feels more core within an app than some of the other suggestions.

I would see it more as a tool to bring people to Monzo, if it was ever launched, rather than a way to make money directly.