Hi everyone!
First of all, thanks to everyone who’s taken the time to give us your feedback on the launch of Monzo Plus, both here and in the previous thread when we first trialled the idea. We really do read it all.
As always, we’re really blown away by your reaction here. Some of your feedback may make for difficult reading, but we know it’s coming from a real passion to help make Monzo great. And your feedback will always be a huge part of that. As the ads currently running up and down the country say: you make Monzo, Monzo
So we’d like to go through the feedback we’re hearing from you, and address some of the concerns.
Clearing up what we’re offering with Monzo Plus
Firstly we’d like to clarify what Monzo Plus currently is, since some of you have said it’s not 100% clear. (We’re updating the original blog post to make it clearer too). For £6 a month - or £3 for early birds - you’ll get:
- Access to add-ons for other features you might be interested in, like:
- Travel insurance (£4 extra/month)
- Travel money (£3 extra/month) - withdraw up to £400 for free every 30 days abroad, and access to emergency cash if you lose your card
- An exclusive Monzo Plus card - in one of three colours: Midnight Sky, Lagoon Blue or classic Hot Coral
- A custom Monzo.me username
- Access to exclusive Monzo Plus events to meet the team and give us your feedback in person (for early birds)
So, what have we heard from you so far?
You’ve told us you don’t think Monzo Plus currently offers good value for money, and isn’t a good deal vs. other similar bank offers
The majority of your feedback has been to do with the pricing and the benefits of Monzo Plus, and that’s fair. Asking for you to pay for something when we’ve usually offered as much as we can for free is new territory for us too, which is why we’ve come to you to learn more.
Upon reflection, it seems that one of the mistakes we’ve made in this project is not to paint a clear picture of what the larger vision for Monzo Plus looks like. Things like:
- What other extras we’ll offer in the future, and that these will be priced very competitively
- How it’ll all fit together
- How we get from this early release to a product that is competitive with the best bundled accounts out there
I’ve asked @jonas to share some thoughts on this in this thread if he has some time later today.
In the meantime, some people will be interested in paying the discounted rate of £3/month to try this out and to work with us on realising our vision for Monzo Plus. Others won’t, and that is totally fine, too.
You’re concerned that people paying for Monzo Plus will get priority treatment or we’ll listen to their feedback more…
One of the perks of Monzo Plus for early birds is access to events where you can give us feedback. But they’re specific to making Monzo Plus bigger and better. We’ll always want to hear general feedback from everyone - however they use Monzo! And our regular events aren’t going anywhere
You’ve told us that you’d like to see other benefits included with Monzo Plus
Thanks to everyone who’s suggested extra benefits or Monzo Plus add-ons. Some of your ideas so far include:
- Reduced subscriptions with other services
- Airport lounge access
- Discounts with retailers
- Access to higher interest rates
- Rewards and special offers
- Other types of insurance
We can’t promise we’ll build everything here, but we’ll definitely look into as much as we can. We’ll look at what we can definitely commit to adding in 2019 and we’ll share that with you next week
Some of you have asked why we’ve launched this before having all the answers, or why you should have to pay to help us figure these things out.
Those are fair questions. It’s always been in our spirit to launch early and learn quickly. And we can learn more by doing things out in the open with your direct involvement. That means it can be a bit more of a painful experience, but we think it’s the right thing to do, and we’ll end up with a better product.
It’s also why we’re halving the price of Monzo Plus for the early adopters. We want you to get involved and help us make sure that it’s an absolute no-brainer to pay for. And if you think it’s not worth paying for yet, that’s fine too.
Still having trouble joining the waitlist?
We’re sorry that some of you had trouble joining the Monzo Plus waitlist. We’ve added a link to the bottom of monzo.com/plus when you visit that page on your phone that’ll take you straight there if you can’t see the option in the app.
Thanks again for all your feedback, and please do keep it coming. We’ll keep the thread open as long as things remain civil (thanks to everyone for keeping it that way so far), and be back with news and updates as we go.
We’re also planning a follow-up blog post next week with a little more of the overall vision for Monzo Plus. We haven’t done much of that so far, and it’s important to understand the overall vision behind Monzo Plus, especially for those of you who are investors. Stay tuned!