Monzo now wants deed polls to be handwritten or stamped by a solicitor

@AlanDoe did you manage to raise this with anyone internally? :frowning_face:

When I opened the Monzo App today there was a chat message acknowledging not accepting the deed poll was “an error on our part” - very surprising it could be an error since so many said the same but hopefully they’ll do some staff retraining.


Is this the same operator dealing with you?

I wonder if the constant passing to different people means that things like names are lost in the mix of transferring.


One thing worth remembering is The Data Protection Act (2018) means organisations must ensure the information they store is " accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date" ( Data protection: The Data Protection Act - GOV.UK ) . When I had problems with a name change with Halifax many years back, I made a complaint to their Data Controller (see Your right to get your data corrected | ICO ) stating that they were holding incorrect information and had 30 days to correct it.

The only problem I had with my name change was renewing my non-UK passport - I “just” had to find a local Notary, hand over £100+vat (2017 rates) for them to verify the deed poll+signature was authentic. No public record kept (I believe the notary society does keep them though) and that was it.

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Different people but they have been reading the same ticket history presumably. Given this was the point of the ticket I think if their reasoning was that they hadn’t read the ticket they’d have little to stand on. And given most of them gave no apology for how they addressed me when corrected I’d guess they at least didn’t care.


If there is one thing to learn about Monzo support is that it’s clear they either don’t have previous chat history or they never look at it, because it’s very very common for someone to have to basically explain themselves again and again.


Thanks @coffeemadman this explains a lot. I have got a final response to my complaint and I’m mostly satisfied:

My investigation found evidence to support your complaint and we
want to compensate you £25 as an apology.
I’ve investigated your complaint and found we didn’t give you an acceptable level
of service.

I do hope they use this as an opportunity to improve their training and processes, which used to be excellent! My goal of making this so public isn’t for me but rather to help others who may be in a similar position.


Seems a bit of a low ball offer though, probably assuming most just accept the first offer made?


Seems low to me as well. I have had more than double that from other banks for much more minor issues.

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My goal isn’t money and there’s not really anything to compensate me for, per se. I went down this road to make them fix policies so people are treated with respect.


Not a bad resolution time for a formal complaint

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I get that, but it just feels like a low amount that any 1st line call handler could give someone in an effort to close off the complaint and make the stats look good with barely any approval needed from a team leader. Considering the amount of times you contacted them and the mistakes they made, it’s not much at all and Monzo probably won’t have done a thing to improve.

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I am planning to ensure there’s feedback through other channels as well. I have yet to contact Mastercard for example - I’ve been on holiday and busy.

Also the reason I raised this publicly is so that it has visibility.


£25 seems fair, usually per incident, and while there was some to and fro, there’s no severe impact or financial loss, just minor inconvenience.

If there has been charges incurred because of this, such as paying someone to verify something, then this should be put to monzo for consideration of reimbursement under consequential loss.


So did they actually offer a solution (to change name with your deed poll as is) or was it just a money to make go away resolution?

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It’s stingy. Someone mentioned 1st line call handlers, like myself until I’m sacked but my mandate at LBG for instance was in 4 figures, though I never needed to go up that high.

Its likely easier to lowball via chat - though I suspect over the phone people are less willing to take it. I’d have started at £50-75 with an option to escalate.

You’re not supposed to close complaints with money unless it actually resolves the issue, has it in this instance?

Yes, they did.

Assuming they accepted the deed poll based on how that’s written, and then gave £25 goodwill, all seems fair to me.

Lloyds are very generous, and sometimes it is right to be generous, but here no financial impact to consider, therefore doesn’t really warrant more than necessary to apologise.

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They did use the deed poll yes.

I agree. £25 is not needed. Nice but not needed. I do wish more that they’d committed to fixing their staff training - which they didn’t do.


£25 is the baseline acknowledgment of holding their hands up for doing wrong.

But yes; totally agree that processes should be reviewed and improved off the back of complaints; especially something like this.