Monzo Monthly Update: April

What does one have to do to enable fingerprint? My settings do not have this option (I have the latest version), am I to assume that feature has not been pushed to all users yet?

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But that would be preferable IMHO. The times when you reconcile your individual transactions against your overall balance are rare, and in the example you gave there would only be a discrepancy until the end of the day. This option would also show clearly how much was going into the coin jar each day.

In the implementation above, my transaction amounts aren’t accurate and the only way to see what is going into the coin jar is to click on every-single-transaction to see the details (the ‘pots’ section only shows the total in the pot at the moment).

[As an aside, Coin Jar doesn’t seem to play nicely with overseas transaction I guess because the amount to ‘round up’ is decided before the FX rate is finalised. Several transactions where the total is > a whole pound by a couple of pence.]

That would give me an eye twitch until the coin jar total was taken off, I’d know it was wrong :sweat: But I suppose you have the same knowing that it’s not what you spent :woman_shrugging:

The feed being tidied up is good as I have lots of Coin Jar mess. What matters is that the statements produced are accurate with separate deductions for Coin Jar which I’ll assume they will be for legal reasons.


I guess the third option would be a single entry for Coin Jar for each day which is a running total, and updates after each transaction (but not sure how feasible that is). That would make both of us happy wouldn’t it?:grinning:


I’ll leave it for you to tell them weeks or months of hard work needs to be deleted :woman_facepalming:


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How many transactions do you have on a typical day? Just curious, because I rarely have more than 1 or 2 per day, so it wouldn’t make much of a difference …

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Looking back over the last weeks, probably an average of 4, but several with 7/8 transactions. Quite easy to do that if you’re putting everyday groceries on contactless, or out with friends.

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Great work guys, well done to everyone involved.


Wow, do you do anything but shopping? :wink: (just kidding)

I typically don’t head out for groceries more than twice a week. Certainly not 4-8 times a day :wink:

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Excited for the redesign in spending! March has been such a busy month :eyes:


Awwww yeah! :smiley: Monzo’s on a roll with all these updates!!

Super stoked for the Spending redesign :heart_eyes: Specifying payday will be fab! :smiley:

Bit of a gritty detail perhaps… But how well will Monzo handle 2 payments on the same day for payday? I.e. Salary + Dividend each month? :slight_smile:

The new Coin Jar ‘badges’ look excellent too :smiley: Like @alexs I’m very curious about the exact information hidden away inside the transaction screen for a Coin Jar’d payment!

I love the tidiness BUT Because I didn’t spend “£7” at Sainsbury’s I only spent “£6.35” it might be a bit strange - if I’m hunting for a matching receipt, I might get lost / confused as £7 won’t match anything, I’d have to click into the feed item to find out the real cost.


That date range won’t necessarily work for me with targets as you show on an incoming payment and I hope you don’t expect that to be from the same company each time as I get paid “last working day of the month” and my employer changes it’s name every time it pays me as per screenshot…unless you are planning to deal with that scenario :eyes:


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Great Job Guys :star_struck: I am pleased. Looking forward to the “surprises” :apple: Pay :star_struck: maybe :heart_eyes: #happycamper


That is such a random thing to do… do you know why they change the name your paid by each time?

Ditto. 25th of the month, or last working day before that date.

Are you on Android 6 or greater? I believe Android only introduced the unified fingerprint API after this, so earlier versions (including mine) ca not be supported without custom work.

Yes - I raised that a couple of weeks ago. The Coin Jar amount is based on the card authorisation amount, not the final settlement. My purchase happen to authorise at an exact number of GBP, so the Coin Jar got nothing!

Not a clue! I’m sure they have there reasons but I don’t know anybody in finance to ask…I assume the name is probably generated by whatever accounting package we use.

They are not the first company to do this that I’ve worked for though. I used to work for a small company that outsourced their employee payments and they did the same thing and that was just a file name generated by sage that was sent to the outsourced pay company and that file name was used

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The receipt should have a date on it?