Monzo Labs: Ordering Accounts and Pots

On joint account pots I only have the option to hide, not sort…

Is this because my wife’s app isn’t on 3.29?

I’ve just created 2 pots in my personal account and I only get the option to hide not sort them either? Does anyone else with a joint account have this problem?

Bloody fantastic! This has made my day

This is easily now my favourite thing about Monzo now, I’ve been moaning/campaigning for this for so long, massive thanks for the hard work to everyone that worked on it!

Edit: 1 quick suggestion though if i may, let us remove the hidden pot balances from account total. It would be fantastic if inside the edit screen we could have a toggle to remove the balances in hidden pots from showing in your account total above your list of pots. I say this because I understand some people might to want to see that balance included but others like me really really don’t(it defeats the object of hiding in some cases), there is definitely strong arguments for both so this way it’s an easy choice for people.


I think this has been discussed further up in this chat about why this wasn’t decided to be done… Something to do with them having to show the full overall amount in your account at some point I think.

i remember a discussion but don’t remember any definitive reasoning from Monzo, I can’t see any issues personally, placing the option inside the edit screen is quite logical, if they could also display a total balance in there if they wanted too as well. Would seem tremendously silly to not let the user choose, depending on your use case for hiding them in the first place it could seem very counter intuitive to include those balances

Anyway, don’t want to look like i’m moaning because i’m not, it’s just come constructive feedback/feature request that i think would be great

Statement history… Case closed.

Now can we have the hidden pot amount hidden from the account total :joy:


Waaaay back in time this was stated to be for legislative reasons. I have no idea what legislation or what it says or whether that has been (dis)proven since in any way.

Out of sight, out of my mind

That’s my current personal use case for wanting to hide pots in the first place, a constant reminder on the home screen makes “out of mind” impossible, hopefully there’s a way to circumvent and legislative issues that stop it?

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Circumventing legislation is illegal…

Probably wrong choice of words, but I can’t imagine there’s anything that says that Monzo have to display your full account balance in that particular place. There is surely room for movement

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Yay finally I can manage my pots!

Great for an initial release. Slight bug when first using as the edit button is in the wrong place but navigating to a previous screen and back in solves that.

One bit of polish I think it needs is when hitting the ‘x hidden pots’ text under the pot list, it should just show the hidden pots in the list (the same as the pots above) but greyed out rather than taking you to the edit pots screen. Mocked it up very quickly, something like below. Forgot to remove the hidden pots link but you get the jist of it.

Something else that I think would would make life easier is if we can add to hidden pots without having to make the pot visible again… unless I’m missing this functionality already, I can’t seem to find how to do it just yet :sweat_smile:


Does your joint account holder have 3.29?

Pot to Pot next please!!


Hi Chris, I made a small change that might fix what could be causing this. Could you try again? I would recommend killing & restarting the app to be sure.

This was a product decision, unfortunately it’s not possible to come up with a simple solution that everyone would be happy with here. If the feedback indicates that most people would prefer the total to exclude hidden accounts I don’t see why we couldn’t change how it behaves.

Personally I’m not aware of any legislative reason we wouldn’t be able to do this as we didn’t even show your total balance for a while when the new layout was released. For a comprehensive and fully accurate view of all your money movements you can always generate a bank statement.

Can the user not be given the option in the “edit” screen? That would make everyone happy right?

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Whatever you’ve done has worked :grinning: thank you!

I’m one for this. If I hide the pot, I want the cash in the pot not to appear in the total!

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This is actually not a bug, the edit button is meant to appear beneath at the end of the list of all your accounts as that’s the only thing possible to edit. I can see how it can look unexpected though.

Here’s how the edit button looked for me, straight after I enabled the feature.