For anyone who didn’t receive Monzo’s January Journal / Newsletter by email, you can view it here -
Welcome to the very first Monzo newsletter! Delivered to your inbox the first week of each month, with exclusive updates on shiny new things and exciting developments we’ve been working on!
It’s no secret we’re edging towards launching as a fully fledged bank in the coming months. Here’s an exclusive update on the milestones we’ve hit this month…
Hey @Bob! Absolutely - send over a private message to Naji and I, we can add you to the mailing list! There will be a way to signup via the website soon!
Out of interest, do you have a Hotmail or Outlook email address? Apparently Monzo users who do, won’t have received the email but all other users with active cards should have…if that wasn’t the issue for you, Monzo will look into it.
I use gmail, and I did get the email. However it was sent to the email address registered to my Monzo account rather than the +mondo filtered version I used to register interest way back when (the +mondo filtered address received the email notifications about being released etc).