🇫🇲 Monzo in Micronesia

What can I expect when using my Monzo card in the Federated States of Micronesia?

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USD is the official currency of the FSM. There are a number of U.S. FDIC insured banks operating in Micronesia. Most major credit cards marques are welcome at many visitor-oriented businesses. Unlike the U.S. tipping is not customerary and may be offensive to some as against their traditional culture of hospitality.


Amen to that. We need more of this. People are generous by nature but it is understandable that everyone needs to make a livining. So they should be paid living wage instead of the minimum wage some US states have. We could then get rid of the feudal, master and servant, culture of tipping. Sorry for posting off topic :blush:


Thanks for the info. Could you be more specific maybe? I’m going to Chuuk Lagoon.

I’m going to Chuuk Lagoon, where I’ve been told he average daily wage is $5.00, but, bizarrely, it’s been suggested that I tip $260.00 for a 10 day expedition. (22 of us on the exped @ $260 per person to tip 30 staff).
Personally I think tipping like that screws with the local economy, but hey, that’s what’s been suggested.

Just a ‘heads-up’ on my initial query; Everything worked like a charm in the Pacific.
I initially forgot to unlock the card on the app. Then forgot my PIN. Help was forthcoming quite rapidly form the chat system too.

Great service, as expected.

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