Monzo in Bangladesh đŸ‡§đŸ‡©

Really likes to know about charges. need your advice

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Monzo doesn’t charge you when you use the card abroad, no ATM fees & pretty much the best conversion rate available -

I am using Monzo in Bangladesh and it is working well. No major issue so far. :+1:t4::+1:t4::+1:t4::blush:

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I am trying to withdraw cash from atm in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
I have tried HSBC atm, EDBL atm and Dutch Bangla Atm
The transaction is either cancelled or timesout or states invalid card issuer

Any success stories about monzo cash withdrawals?

Hi friend
I am trying to withdraw cash from atm in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
I have tried HSBC atm, EDBL atm and Dutch Bangla Atm . No luck

Any success stories about monzo cash withdrawals?

Have you got magnetic strip enabled?

May I also add, it asks me Current, Savings and Credit after i enter pin and choose an amount?

Are you getting any reason for the decline? Anything on the ATM or anything on your feed in app?

Hi Shah,

I used to draw cash from city bank atm and I did twice without any problems. I found BRAC bank, city bank and UCB banks poc machines worked very well with Monzo.

I felt difficulties with dbbl, ebl poc and mostly those failed with Monzo.

Hope It would help.
Thank you. Have a nice & safe trip.

Hi Rat au van

Hsbc prints out Cancelled slip after entering pin and choosing an amount.

EBL goes into “Transaction being Processed
 Please Wait” screen and then times out after a long 2 mins

DBBL atm showed ‘Invalid Card Issuer’

Try and find one of the ATMs mentioned in the post above yours (BRAC, city or UBC) as they’ve worked.
If those won’t work you should probably start an in app chat to see if they can tell what’s going on or maybe get your card replaced. Sounds like the request isn’t even getting as far as Monzo

For future readers, I have been through the challenge of finding the right ATM machine.
Thanks for Sarja’s guidance information. It was bang on.

I swtiched on Mag Stripe from Monzo IOS settings.

Failed ATMs
Dutch Bangla Ltd

Successful ATMs
City Bank
Brac Bank

My personal favourite
City Bank
It doesn’t ask for me to choose Current Savings or Credit

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Hi I have tried Monzo card in Uttora standard chartered bank ATM. ATM machine took my card and i asked to get it back from machine but they said it’s not possible. They will destroy it. Now I got a replacement card and avoided using card in Bangladesh.

If anyone has tried this card in Dhaka? if so, where exactly, address of ATM machine in Dhaka.

Where did you use it exactly?

Successful ATMs
Brac Bank
City Bank

Both located in Bashundhara RA.

Did you get a replacement card while in BD? Or you came back to you to get your replacement card?

Monzo Does not allow me to put my address so how do I order a card? Can you please give me a solution?

Can you explain the problem you’re having?

Finally I have got my card.

Hello Everyone,

Can anyone tell me from which Banks in BD I can transfer money to monzo?

So far, my knowledge you cannot top up your monzo card in Bangladesh.
It’s easy to top up through your Local bank’s (UK) Apps . Use your mobile applications or ask any of your friend to send money to your account.