Monzo has been very quiet recently

Great question, and I have no idea

Unfortunately a few of the USA team have left so I’m not sure who to ask

That is very worrying!

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Why? People change jobs all the time for many reasons

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As I understood it, the US team was fairly small, if as you implied a number left, it is worrying.

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I’m not worried.

Well as I understand - people in the US banking industry change companies fairly often. So wouldn’t be too worried.

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Charity and Gift/Present payment categories?

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I had noticed this too in recent weeks. Particularly frustrating not to have any update on credit card integrations, as I thought they were all meant to be done by September. Doesn’t sound like Monzo’s issue, but be good to understand where TrueLayer are with the various banks, and any ETAs. Of course, if there was a Monzo credit card, it could fix all this…

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I’m more cynical then you then apparently. I was expecting minimal compliance from lots of banks by September that would produce a set of interfaces with varying degrees of usability.

I’m assuming that’s what we’ve got and the (un)usability of them is what is limiting the roll out. There’s no second deadline for a bank to actually make something work reliably.

Ha ha - well when I say “meant to be”, I meant the deadline rather than reality. I’m surprised the regulator hasn’t shamed or fined anyone though.

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Monzo update about 7 weeks ago
Monzo Refreshed Settings :soon:
Monzo Dark Mode :soon:
Monzo Pot Reordering/Sorting :soon:

Come on Monzo… how :soon: is :soon:?

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Monzo update 2018 2019

New merchant tooling coming to fix merchant data :soon:

:soon: x :soon: = :back:

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:back: & :four:th


This was abanded was it not?

@kieranmch moved away from the project and it lost its legs

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