Monzo for Android - Beta Channel Changelog šŸ•µ

Can you change the colour of them?

My ā€œBetaā€ badge is a minty greenā€¦ (I like the Red!)

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These are my only options on 2.19.0


Yes by changing phone to Android :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Working on my pixel xl 2 using lawn launcher.

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Same here (using Nova on Pixel 2). But if you select the icon to edit it and go to ā€œbuilt-inā€ icons, the default one youā€™re offered for Monzo is the version you selected in the app.

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I set up an iPhone for freetrade last night, can you dummy walk me through changing the iOS icon cos I failed looking at the blog :see_no_evil:

Actually. Itā€™s appeared now Iā€™ve updated the ios

Haha, sure.

In the app, go to:

Top arrow on the right hand side to enter Account settings
Then top right ā€œsettingsā€ button
Scroll down to Custom App Icons

Point 2 might be different cause I have a joint account.

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Iā€™ve looked all over the app and canā€™t find this optionā€¦ how do you do it?

Account -> Profile -> Settings -> Custom app icon

I donā€™t have that option. Iā€™m on the latest beta but maybe the feature isnā€™t rolled out to everyone.

:thinking:Itā€™s right at the bottom of the settings page

I have found a bug with the app icons. I use Nova Launcher, the app icon is not updating. However, if I used pixel launcher it does.

Just looking to see if there is something I am doing wrong with Novaā€¦

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Perfect, thanks, I missed that in my haste! :wink:

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My MS Launcher got a bit confused when I changed the app icon - Monzo vanished from the ā€œmost usedā€ screen and wouldnā€™t appear when dragged back in manually, but did reappear back in the rightful place when I manually restarted the launcher.
Odd, but not exactly a catastrophe.

@ataulm said this on slack ā€œThis is an unavoidable side-effect of the custom icons :disappointed: Itā€™s the same reason you need to re-add the shortcut to your homescreen if it was there.ā€

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Seems buggy with my Pixel 2 XL.

With the changed icon, Monzo doesnā€™t appear in my multitasking view but no issues with the default icon.

Custom icon looks half done to meā€¦ although I can change the app icon in my launcher, when I do launch the app the splash screen shows the original Monzo icon. I think it would be much more polished if the splash screen used the custom icon tooā€¦


I canā€™t switch back into Monzo anymore. If I swipe to switch to another so Monzo disappears from my recent apps and I have to go to the app drawer/home screen to open it up again. It opens where I left it so itā€™s not closing fully.

Working on Nova on a OP5