Monzo for Android - Beta Channel Changelog šŸ•µ

Yes, thatā€™d be the standard behaviour, but thereā€™s no Monzo password other than the PIN :slight_smile:

Glad to hear that! Though didnā€™t you need to re-build that same chunk to support the PIN recovery as it is now, also?

If you canā€™t talk about them, my guess is they might relate to my assumption about how the ID verification is done. As I said, I said it appears to be the OnFido process, not that I knew with certainty it was (obviously all I or any other customer can do is look with interest and guess how itā€™s likely to work)ā€¦ if youā€™ve brought that in-house itā€™s awesome. Same on cost of those processes, if itā€™s free/super-cheap to you, also awesome :smiley: though even in-house itā€™ll have a cost, if ā€˜onlyā€™ a people cost.

The nerd in me loves how open you all are, and I get you canā€™t always be, but thanks for the info you can provide - itā€™s always super-appreciated!

Not as far as Iā€™m aware, the in-app PIN recovery flow will sit on top of the future changes when they are released but do not require them to function. :+1:

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Thanks :smiley: :slight_smile:

Minor Beta update - 1.18.1


Give your phone a shake :wink:

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That effect is the absolute best, all apps should have it!

Any ideas when the next beta build will land, and what will be on it?

Iā€™m on the latest beta, Pulse Graph looks good, still snows when I shake the phone (hopefully this will never go, or change to blossoms in the Spring and Autumn leaves in autumn)

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No idea and not a clue! :smiley:

What Iā€™m holding out for is a Blog post from Monzo :wink: Iā€™m hearing next week (:crossed_fingers: I hope itā€™s early haha) so in that Iā€™d bet weā€™ll hear the typical happy new year :tada:, etc. as well as what Monzo is planning for the month, year, etc.

In this Iā€™m sure weā€™ll see hints at feature x hitting Android :slight_smile: Iā€™ll post any changelogs we do see here anyway but my best advice is keep an eye out in the forums, Slack channel and:

for anything new :smiley:

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Version 1.19.0 :grin: first of the year :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



I have to say, I love the fact that when you scroll to past days the pulse graph updates and shows you the balance you had on that day, very useful!


Itā€™s awesome is what it is!! :smiley: Just donā€™t scroll too fast :wink:

Breaks things :sweat_smile:

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Looks good - but where is this ā€˜helpā€™ on transaction screen?


I was just looking for that! Not found it yet! :thinking:

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Thank you to the person who finally decided to put DDs into the payments section and not the spending section.


Makes a lot more sense, doesnā€™t it? :grinning:


Itā€™s change Iā€™m hoping/expecting to come to iOS too.

1.19.1 out in the wild now :money_mouth_face:


Is this supposed to have the ā€˜enable overdraftā€™ option on the account tab as described on the latest blog post?

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Presumably itā€™s a server-side switch which will occur gradually over the next ā€œinsert timeframe hereā€ and itā€™ll just pop into your app :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve seen the button in a previous release and had it disappear shortly afterwards :joy: So Iā€™m sure itā€™s very easy for Monzo to do this for everyone at some stage, believe this .1 release was just a few bug fixes :smiley: (As mentioned in the Slack channel)


Yeah, the overdraft button has been available in the app for quite some time if you were one of the initial lucky ones. For everyone else itā€™ll just be a phased server-side flag to turn it on.