Click to read the full thread.
tl;dr no, they don’t have to send anything, but I’m guessing you’d like the option and would maybe pay a small fee for it (similar to other companies?)
Click to read the full thread.
tl;dr no, they don’t have to send anything, but I’m guessing you’d like the option and would maybe pay a small fee for it (similar to other companies?)
Monzo do not send out statements no. They can on request.
All they have to do is have the ability for you to obtain a statement - ie the PDF download.
Also, who even wants/needs paper statements - save the planet!
We purchased a car in December and they asked for a bank statement or utility bill less than 3 months old.
The only bill we actually get is council tax once a year and the rest are online.
I have in the past rung my local council and explained the issue and asked them to print me a current statement showing payments made so far this council tax year. They have been happy to oblige.
There has been discussion on the subject of scheduling the statement on a monthly cycle for example, which is something we could choose to setup in the app rather pay Monzo to do it for us. I don’t think this will be available on initial launch of the statements feature though. I would include the link but I can’t remember where I saw it so many months ago, plus it’s getting late lol
Where and how do I access statements as I cannot find them?
It is an icon in the top right of the spending screen. You can swipe across the top for previous months. However this only offers csv/flies and not yet pdf statements until the new app version goes live 1.19.25
If you have testflight version you can do it, it is the same options as print CSV etc
OK thanks - so not available to me yet then…
I don’t have TestFlight - so will need to wait for the app update.
A post was merged into an existing topic: In-app Bank Statements
This is awesome, I gave it a go, the ability to save it to iPhone Files or cloud storage as well, brilliant work!
A post was merged into an existing topic: Android app getting a little iOSy
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: In-app Bank Statements
A post was merged into an existing topic: In-app Bank Statements
Is it possible for the statement PDFs to be digitally signed by Monzo?
This could help, eventually, moving away from this really weird thing of “provide a bill from the last X months” system to something which can be verified instantly by a third-party (upload PDF, does it match a public key of someone we trust? etc)
In principle, that’s great. In reality, do you think the kind of organisations that insist on paper statements even comprehend digital signatures as a concept?
Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea… but a digitally signed PDF won’t help, me thinks
they would ask you to cut and paste the digital signature and print it out on paper LOL
It would still allow new players to actually take advantage of it if want to - a signature wouldn’t hurt so why not have it?
I was thinking still offer the paper versions, but for forward thinking companies (like Monzo themselves) they could start accepting PDFs with digital signatures on bills/statements.