Monzo Customer Case Studies

Hi there!

For those who may not know me, I look after both content and press here at Monzo, which means I’m often in touch with journalists who are interested in Monzo and keen to talk to some of our customers.

You all speak so frankly and intelligently about your experiences using Monzo on the forum, so if you’re up for doing the same with a journalist, I’d love it if you let me know!

Please fill in this form if you’re willing:

This is just to gauge your interest and find out a little more about you. If any opportunities do come up then I’ll drop you a line to discuss in more detail.

Let me know any questions below.

Big thanks in advance to anyone who’s keen! And please feel free to share with other Monzo-using friends/frenemies :slightly_smiling_face: :smiling_imp:


Done. Happy to help.

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Thanks Johnny! Really appreciate it! :relaxed:

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Same here!

Though I think this is the 2nd time I’ve signed up to a customer case study/feedback thingy?

The more forms the merrier I suppose :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::see_no_evil:

Thanks Marcus! I think that will have been for user research :slightly_smiling_face:

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